Color Classic no longer starts up

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Color Classic no longer starts up

Hi all!

New to this forum so apologies in advance if I've missed an FAQ or suchlike! Anyway...

...I have a lovely little Color Classic with built-in Ethernet, it's been up and running for a while now and I've been able to surf the web and download stuff to it. I tried it recently though and it just doesn't start up - I can hear the monitor switch on but I get no picture or sound (and, yes, I have tried pressing the 'on' button on the ADB keyboard!).

I took the cover off and the rear fan had come loose and was clattering around inside the casing - I managed to re-attach it okay but there's a suspicious looking wire that's possibly come loose and I can't for the life of me figure out where it should go. It's a bit difficult to explain how it looks but it has a metal crimp-type connector and is a single short wire with either black or dark brown outer. It seems to come from the main loom that goes into the back of the CRT gun.

I'd really appreciate any help on this - I've mooched the web but can't find any detailed (or legible) wiring diagrams.

Thanks in advance!


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I was doing some work on mine

I was doing some work on mine and had the case open; these are the only two wires I could think of that you're talking about... they're both connected where they should be, though, so compare them to your's


That second one might be kinda detrimental... I forgot to hook it up one day and when I fired up the machine, I kept hearing loud sparking/arcing... I shut it off quickly and smelled ozone. It had contacted something on the top of the analog board; I was lucky nothing was dead for sure Blum 3

It may not be the wire though (of course it would still be a good idea to connect it if it IS in fact loose Blum 3 ), see if you can find any info on whether the Color Classic is one of the machines which refuses to boot if its 3.6v PRAM battery is dead. If it is the battery, I know radio shack sells them for like 10-15 bucks.

EDIT: also, if the Color Classic were ever to become a project machine, you might consider one of the possible upgrades. Even if you don't want to go all out and turn it into a power mac, you can do some minimal modification and throw in a faster 030 board or an 040 board.

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Thanks for replying and the p

Thanks for replying and the photos! Biggrin

Okay, the good news is that it was the wire in the top photograph which had come loose, the bad news is that the CC is still dead after re-attaching it. Sad

I don't know much about CCs so I'm not sure what to try next. Also, will it start up okay without the fan being connected? That seems to remain in the plastic outer casing when its removed.

Where's the PRAM battery located on a CC? I can try removing it to see if it will start up without one.

If I ever can get it working I might look to put an 040 board in it, that said, if I can get a new HD for my LC 475 I may concentrate on that as a project instead as at least I can hook it up to my 17" flat panel! Smile

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with a few batteries laid down for example. On some Macs, a dead PRAM battery basically turns the machine into a doorstop (it definitely happens with the LC475). If your 475 boots right now, just take the battery out of it and put it in the CC to see if that solves the problem. If the battery was the problem, then the machine SHOULD start up without a fan, but it's been so long since mine was stock that I can't say for sure... if push comes to shove, just hold the fan against the two contacts when you hold the power button on the keyboard.

EDIT: battery link:

Also, while a 475 CAN be hooked up to an external monitor, the satisfaction of the Color Classic project is more rewarding Blum 3 In either machine's case, you'd do well to get a non-LC 040 chip. Hmm, I can't argue that the 475 can't be useful though; my Quadra 605 is still limping along with an LC chip, but I swapped it with a 33mhz one and bumped up the motherboard speed and it now resides as a 1GB storage webserver using OS 8, Netpresenz, and the DynDNS client Blum 3

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Re: Color Classic no longer starts up

... I have a lovely little Color Classic ... I tried it recently though and it just doesn't start up - I can hear the monitor switch on but I get no picture or sound (and, yes, I have tried pressing the 'on' button on the ADB keyboard!) ...

Dr Webster opined some time back that the CC, in common with a number of other LC and related boards, would not start video unless the PRAM battery retained at least 2.5V. Bear in mind that 3.3V is a wise chuckaway point, and 2.8V is the end of history for many Macs.

My own experience is that no PRAM battery is better than a defective one when a Colour Classic has been long-time unused, or long-time-left-unconnected (to the mains, with the rear switch on). It should be reflex action to test/replace a newly acquired machine as the second step, after putting the Mac on a desktop. There is a history of reference in this Forum to CCs failing to start up after switch-on at the rear and from the keyboard. It seems to be in the nature of pseudo-softpowered Macs, and especially CCs, to need up to 24hr just sogging on a live mains connection, even with a new PRAM battery already in place:

Whether this is in the realm of the Dark Lord TRKL (5V) I don't profess to know, but I suspect it.


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