Any Danger Running iBook (Dual USB) without the RAM Shield?

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tmtomh's picture
Last seen: 2 years 2 months ago
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Any Danger Running iBook (Dual USB) without the RAM Shield?

Hello all,

I got a RAM upgrade for my 500MHz Dual USB iBook. The new, 512MB module is thicker than the old 256MB one. It fits, but the keyboard will not lay flat unless I remove the RAM shield.

I've run the iBook for a little while without the RAM shield and it seems fine. The Airport card is snug, and there's nothing contacting anything between Airport card, RAM, and underside of keyboard that looks like it could short anything out. I've jostled the iBook while typing on it, pounded on the keys pretty hard, typed with it on my lap at an angle, and checked the Airport reception strength. All seems well.

So is there any reason I can't just leave the RAM shield out permanently? If necessary I could try to mod the RAM shield by cutting away part of it - but I'd rather just leave it out if it won't do any harm.

TIA for any input/advice.


dankephoto's picture
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my vote - leave it out

I can't see any reason to worry. The shield provides some protection against 'stuff' falling down onto the MLB, as well as EMI shielding, plus it contains the clip holding the AP card in place. I've used dual-USB iBooks without the shield lots of times and have never considered it an issue even.

Still, be careful not to drop junk down onto the MLB. The EMI-shield function is no concern, it's unlikely the iBook will cause disruption to other devices nor that stray EMI will bother the iBook. The AP card stays in place nicely without the clip.

my $.02 worth,

dan k

tmtomh's picture
Last seen: 2 years 2 months ago
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Thanks Dan - that's what I figured, based on my brief experience with this machine, and on the one or two random mentions of this issues I found while Googling.

Bumping up the RAM from 320MB to 576MB really makes a difference. Now, if I could justify buying two 8GB CF cards and a dual CF notebook HD adapter (, I'd be totally set!


cwsmith's picture
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If you worried at all about EMI ...

... which i'm not ...

I suppose you could scotch-tape a small square of aluminum foil in there to serve the same function. Might keep stuff out of the MLB as well. But would probably interfere with the placement of the AirPort card if you have one.

dankephoto's picture
Last seen: 1 year 3 months ago
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re: EMI shielding

Just to clear up any potential misunderstandings - The ElectroMagnetic Interference shielding is there solely to keep any stray EM waveys from interfering with other equipment, not to protect the consumer from any sort of harmful radiation. Because there isn't any. Harmful radiation that is. At least not any eminating from the guts of a low-powered lappy. Cosmic-ray bombardment energy levels are more significant.

Since we hardy hardware hackers generally don't give a single fig about devices interfering with each other, I can't see any reason to bother with the issue.

re: CF adapters - Do this eBay search (cf,compactflash,"compact flash") (ata,atapi,ide) adapter ("2.5",laptop*) , and see what pops up. I just bought 4 2.5" adapters for a total of US$20 shipped, loads cheaper than the link you referenced.

dan k (who just now realizes he really didn't need 4 of the dang things . . . oh well)

Last seen: 1 year 10 months ago
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Are you sure the ram is seate

Are you sure the ram is seated down flat properly? I've always thought there was plenty of clearance..

Last seen: 6 years 6 months ago
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It'll run fine. Your radio e

It'll run fine. Your radio emissions may increase slightly, but the metal plate under the keyboard will probably catch most of it.

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