Deep Sleep ... or Coma?

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alk's picture
Last seen: 3 years 9 months ago
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Deep Sleep ... or Coma?

Does anyone know how to determine if a system supports sleep and/or deep sleep? If a system does not support deep sleep, is there any way to determine which hardware is preventing it?

I've got a heavily upgraded DA G4 that won't wake from sleep. I can't figure out why!

I've got a Radeon 9600 Pro (G5 OEM w/ the AGP 4x modification), Sonnet Tempo Trio, and ATI Radeon 9200 PCI. All of those should support deep sleep, right?

Does anybody have any pointers about where I can start looking? I don't really want to do any hardware swapping to find the problem; I'm much more interested in finding a software app that will point out why my system won't wake from sleep.


Hawaii Cruiser's picture
Last seen: 8 years 5 days ago
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Posts: 1433
I'd place my suspicions on th

I'd place my suspicions on the Sonnet Tempo Trio first. Have you tried removing it and just running your harddrive off the onboard ATA bus and see if the problems persists? Why are you using that card? Just because you have it, or are all four PCI slots filled?

Do you have both video cards in the machine at the same time?

cwsmith's picture
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Are your keyboard and mouse c

Are your keyboard and mouse connected to the Tempo Trio, or directly to the MLB (via the G4's originally-installed USB ports)?

If they're connected to the Tempo Trio, and the machine is asleep, it may not accept input from the card (it's asleep too). Try connecting the kbd/mouse to the MLB and see if that makes any difference.

alk's picture
Last seen: 3 years 9 months ago
Joined: Dec 20 2003 - 10:38
Posts: 369
Thansk for the suggestions.

Thansk for the suggestions.

The Tempo Trio is in use because I have three hard drives (all larger than 128 GB). I've got a pair of Maxtor 200 GB drives and a WD 250 GB drive. I can't connect them to the onboard ATA.

Connected to the other onboard ATA channel are a Pioneer DVR-109 and the original Zip 100.

The keyboard and mouse are indeed connected to the onboard USB. Also connected to the onboard USB is an ADS Instant DVD USB device (analog to MPEG-1/2 converter). Connected to the Temp Trio is a USB hub. Connected to the hub is an APC UPS.

Connected to onboard firewire is another Maxtor drive in a FireWire case.

Connected to the Radeon 9600 is an old Apple 21" display. Connected to the 9200 is an SGI MultiLink adapter (in analog mode) and an SGI 1600SW.

Also installed is a 512 MB PC133 CL3 DIMM and a dual 1 GHz G4 CPU from a QuickSilver.

I think that's literally everything I've got connected to it.

One other thing I've tried doing is looking in the console for a system log message when I put it to sleep about a crash or KP, but I don't see anything there.

Am I crazy? I could swear that I've seen a text message (either in verbose mode while booting or in a log file somewhere) that states "deep sleep disabled because yada yada yada."


alk's picture
Last seen: 3 years 9 months ago
Joined: Dec 20 2003 - 10:38
Posts: 369
Case closed!

I'm a genius... ::)

Here it is in fine print on Sonnet's site:

‡ Tempo Trio does not support deep sleep in Power mac G4 computers. Deep sleep removes power to PCI cards and is not supported by cards that can connect to external devices.


Hawaii Cruiser's picture
Last seen: 8 years 5 days ago
Joined: Jan 20 2005 - 16:03
Posts: 1433
So then, is the simple soluti

So then, is the simple solution to install another harddrive to the onboard ATA, clone your system to that, and use the drives connected to the Trio only for storage?

But you know, I've got my wife's DA running off of two SCSI harddrives connected to an Adaptec 29160 PCI card and she has no problems with deep sleep. System is on one of the SCSI drives. Sleeps like a baby.

I'm sure there's lots of people here running systems off PCI cards, so what does that quote mean? From what I've read about others' experiences, the Trio is always an iffy situation.

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