iMac G3 10.4 boot up HELP!!!

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iMac G3 10.4 boot up HELP!!!

I recently got an imac G3 indigo slot loading disk drive with 256 megs of ram and (i think) a 300 mgh processor. I connecteed its hd directly to my new mac and used carcon copy cloner to copy a bootable copy of 10.4 on to it. I attempted to start the computer up and i got to the white screen with the grey apple with the circle going around under it. Then, a black box "opened up in the middle of the screen and the comp shut down. I am not sure what to do about this. Sould I use 10.2 or 10.3 instead, or is my imac completely unsueable?

coius's picture
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which machine did you connect it to?

was it a new intel mac?

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oh, and...

with the iMac, i suggest doing OS X 10.3. Also, i assume you put the latest firmware updates into it before trying this?

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suprisingly, no. How would I update the firmware on the hard drive alone?

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I connected it to a intel mac mini. Would this affect the operation?

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No, the problem would be that

No, the problem would be that if the OS image you made with Carbon Copy Cloner came from an Intel Mac, it won't run on the G3 iMac at all. You'll need an HD with OS 9.1 installed, and a copy of the FW update to do it. The video ma be dim/bad colors/not really usable until the update is in place.

One of the tricks for the update is that you can boot the OS 9.1 drive, and not see video. Then, when the iMac seems to be finished booting and the HD is not being used (look at the light on the drive itself) then push the power button once to put the iMac to sleep. Let it sleep for a few seconds, then wake it back up. It should have some sort of video decent enough to use the update software. Once the update process is finished and in place it should be back to normal.

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the image was made on a power pc mac, but cloned on aimage

the image was made on a power pc mac, but cloned on an intel. The mac does not have fw, so i had to use direct ide to usb cables.

coius's picture
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i still suggest 10.3

a fresh install of 10.3 will run faster than 10.4 from another machine. Especially if the other machine has stuff set up for only that machine (like 3rd party hacks for laptop, being cloned to a desktop)

I would avoid the whole cloning procedure. I found out it's better to go through the total install, than to use a system that might not be good to begin with since it has been used on another machine. As far as cloning, what machine did you make the hard drive image of? Was it a G5? If it was an OEM install on that other machine, it probably not like that it is running on a machine other than the Original computer

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actually, i installed 10.4 on a fw hd from the retail install cd. I used the bars basics. i wan to use 10.3, but I cannot afford another install disk. DO you know whats wrong with the 10.4 install?

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what machine did you install the image on?

what machine is was the image made on? What powerpc machine?

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well, you DO have another option

Partition the hard drive into 2 partitions. one should be about 5GB the other uses the rest. Take the actual Retail CD/DVD and Clone it to the 5GB partition (with carbon copy cloner) or rather, use the "Restore" drive in Disk Utility with the 5GB as the destination, and the DVD as the Restore from.

put the hard drive in the iMac, then it will boot from the Cloned DVD to HDD partition. Then install like it was a Regular DVD in the machine. It's all the same (i have done this before by taking a DVD and cloning it to a hard drive, then installing from the hard drive to another hard drive. Works like a charm) that way you can have a clean install.
Once in, you either have the option of recovering the 5GB by erasing it, or you can keep it around in case you have to reinstall.

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i think the hd is only 7 gb. What should i do?
Also, any tips for actually removing the hd, i cannot get the screws to budge...

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do you have the full 10.3 set?

to check to see if the system is ok, install a temp OS X 10.3 on the iMac, if it's having hardware errors, it will show when doing that. After that, you are going to have to figure out how to get another OS on it. I suggest abandoning the 10.4 install, and just go with 10.3 the G3's are slow on 10.4 anyways. if you don't know already, OS X doesn't require SN, so it's possible to throw a temp OS on it.

Just try that first, see if it works, then report back. I think we are hitting a dead end trying to do 10.4 through a copy, especially since you aren't giving any useful data, such as the machine you cloned the install from.

Give us more details, the more we have, the more we can help

i forgot, are the hard drive screws regular philips or are they the star-shaped pattern? if it's the star shaped, just go out and get a torx set (they should sell them individually) and just measure the inside of it (from one edge of a point on the star, to the edge of a point on the opposite side) then try to match up at a hardware store

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i said that i cloned the mac os x from a FireWire hd. I stalled mac os x in this hd from a powerbook g4 12". the only retail install disk i have is 10.4, my 10.3 install only works with my powerbook g4, which died a few minths ago, (hence why i am trying to get the g3 to work). I have actually re-installed mac os many times, so i know a little about getting it to work, but i don't know what you mean when you say full set. what do you mean by temp os, and how is that possible?

the screws are cross shaped, phillips head.

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I just got an Indigo 600 MHZ iMac slot loader a few weeks ago.
Maxed the memory to 1 Gig,
Pulled the 20 gig HD.
Stuck a 80 Gb HD in my Sawtooth and cloned 10.4.8.
Installed the HD in the iMac and am posting from it now.
Very simple,happy to help if I can.
There are many sizes/ styles of phillips screw bits,
of course if the hd has been moved before the screws could be stripped.

good luck,

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since it dont have firewire d

since it dont have firewire dont that make it unsupported to tiger. you might need to run xpostfacto 4 in OS 9.x to install and run tiger on that machine. i can be wrong in this tho

but before you can install any version of OS X on a iMac G3 you need to make sure its firmware is up-to date cause if its not and you try to install OS X on it it can kill the machine.

what he means by a temp install is to have a install of a OS on a HDD to use just until you can sort everything out so you can install the OS by using the iMac itself. using CCC and copying a OS from another machine that is different may not work or it will work but have problems since the hardware on the 2 machines is totally different.

when they mean by having a full set is having all of the install cd's or dvd.

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help again

i tried the other option you gave me, copying the os install disk directly to the hd, but i didn't really understand it, and when i tried it i got a no sign (circle with a diagonal across it). Vould you explain it in more detail? please?

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I think your cough to have to cough up $

You might just have to spend the money to get 10.3 (retail). it's pretty cheap, especially with 10.5 coming out, that would be the best time to get the discs. They would drop to around $40 when that OS is released.

If you can wait awhile, just post a message on Applefritter advertising under the WTB Forums to get some discs. Someone out there has got to have a set they would be willing to sell Smile

If the machine works otherwise, and you don't want to mess with it, try selling it locally.

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