I have a Micron Xceed video card and the grayscale adapter for the SE/30!

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I have a Micron Xceed video card and the grayscale adapter for the SE/30!

I have secured myself a Micron Xceed video card with the original grayscale adapter, not a replica. I can not wait until it gets here. Is there anything I need to know about it before installing or trying to user it?

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I hope you paid less than I did for one. I was an idiot. The Xceed card is mighty cool though. You should have no problems putting it in. The harness for it is exactly the right length in exactly the right places. It fits in without issues. Don't forget the grounding, there is a ground at the power supply and one at the CRT clamp (front, upper left). I'm usually pretty low-key about static grounding, but as far as I'm concerned, with irreplaceable parts like this, get you a wrist strap and buy some cheap insurance. I could only blow that money ONCE. Be mindful inside the case, gentle with CRT base (pins and evacuation port), and everything'll be cool.

There is a control panel for the Xceed card that you'll need to install. If your seller didn't get it to you, I'm pretty sure it's at Gamba's website of all things Xceed and such.

Don't look down your nose at those replica grayscale adapters, they aren't black magic, and pretty easily to fab up. Wink Enjoy the grayscale on your se/30- it's pretty darn cool. Putting a color monitor on is still my favorite part (yeah, I'm a geek).


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And precisely how much did yo

And precisely how much did you gentlemen pay?

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Re: And precisely how much did yo

And precisely how much did you gentlemen pay?

Probably much more than the SE/30......

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hey JDW... Smile
I am actually ashamed to admit it. Let's just say that I could have bought several NICE se/30's for the cost of that $%^$* Xceed card. At the time I bought it they were in a high price cycle. The last card I saw was maybe 2/3 the cost I paid. Go figure. Fortunately also at the time I had some completely discretionary money. 'Course now I have some buyer's remorse. Wink

It is cool to have grayscale on the internal CRT... really.

*mumbles to self*


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Guys, no one knows who you ar

Guys, no one knows who you are. Why hide the numbers? Be specific. Are we talking $450? Or how about $799. I've seen those cards go for as much.

And by the way, when you get tired of using it and seek to donate the board to a worthy cause, I know if a very good home for it over here in Japan. Wink

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I'm not too worried about that...

It's the street cred I worry about. Smile Yeah, I paid about $500. Yeah.


I've seen 'em go for as high as $750, and as low as maybe $300. So I guess if you are following that range, then well, I didn't get shafted too bad. It is an awful lot of money. The only reason I could afford such a toy was I happened to have (and obviously sold) a mid-70's Intel Development System computer. It was given to me, and some guy paid a handsome price for it- so money for an Xceed card. Otherwise my wife would have beat me within an inch of my life.

I wish I had the skills to clone this card. It's beyond me. I tracked down the designers, thinking I might talk someone into some PLD info. Seriously though, without a schematic, a 3-4 layer board, with like half a dozen PLD's- well folks are just gonna have to pay $500 if they want one. I'll let you know when I decide to DHL one to Japan. Wink


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I prefer EMS. Much cheaper. Smile

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Xceed card

When I purchased my SE/30 in 1989 I also purchased and installed this card. The computer still works. It has 16MB memory and an 80MB hard drive and the original manuals. What do you think this thing is worth?

Last seen: 17 years 10 months ago
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Do you have the video card al

Do you have the video card alone? It worth a lot more if you also have the grayscale adapter, which replaces the apple board on the back of the CRT.

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Willing to sell?

Does your asking the card's worth mean you are contemplating selling it, by chance? (Or donating it to a worthy cause? Smile

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well...it depends

On how much of a hurry you are in. The se/30 is worth nothing by comparison. If you sold the whole unit on eBay, say, then no one would be all that excited by the se/30 itself- unless the case was pretty or you had just recapped the motherboard. The card, as you might have gathered from JDW's and my banter, is worth anywhere from $300 to $750 depending on how desperate the crowd is. They sell on eBay a half a dozen times a year or so. As 003 says, the grayscale adapter pushes the cost up. If you need a source of said adapters I know some folks that made some, and if you'd like to make one, I can point you toward archives of Gamba's page (and a couple of other places).

It's a nice board. And folks consistantly like them...


Last seen: 17 years 10 months ago
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Also, you need to know, not a

Also, you need to know, not all the Xceed models had a socket for the grayscale adapter. If yours doesn't it probably won't be worth that much.

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