Hi all,
I recently stripped my wallstreet 100% down to do this to the bottom (I've yet to do the top.) When I had it all apart, I took out the PRAM battery to remind me to get a new one; it had been dead the whole time I had it. I put it all together, making sure to put everything in their proper places, well seated. When I tried to boot it did nothing, so I figured it had to do with the PRAM battery.
I hit shift-Fn-ctrl-power to boot like I do when its been without power for a while, and the power light lit and the fan came on like it usually would, except it never stopped and booted. The light and fan stay on forever, and it never boots. It will turn back off it I hit the same key combonation again. I figured its just the PRAM thing, so I stripped it down, and put it back in. And it does the same thing.
Right now I've got it turned off, but plugged in, in an effort to charge the PRAM battery enough for it to boot.
Does anyone have any other ideas about why this is happening? Is broken or something?
this happened to me when i popped the processor out of my wallstreet and put it back in. your processor probably isn't seated properly like what happened to me. try taking the processor back out, and then reinsert it again, making sure to line it up before pressing it down. and you may have to put a bit more force than you would be comfortable with. mine took some, but then it finally popped back into place and booted fine.
ahhh, that may very well be possible. I didn't press very hard on it, because the RAM card was in. I'll reseat it again, harder, w/o the RAM card being in.
EDIT - Nope, even with a reseated processor it does the same thing...
Have you pressed the PMU reset button?
Cheers, Tom
Wallstreets don't have a PMU reset button, as far as I am aware. I thought to reset the PMU you hit shift-Fn-ctrl-power. hmmm
Well, it does the same thing with the CPU in or out, so I'm thinking that that may be the problem. Its a bit ironic that the 300MHz CPU I ordered will be here tomorrow...
I also found out that the screw on the ac/sound board was a bit loose, but I don't think that makes any difference... :/
is all the cables on the devices (cd/dvd, Hard drive, etc...) seated right? Card cage secure? you might want to do a strip down and put it back together. sometimes this will cure problems such as this...
I've done a whole bunch more reseating and cleaning parts, and now when I plug in the power adapter, the speakers pop, and the sleep light sits and blinks. The fan doesn't spin at all, and sometimes when you press a key on the keyboard the speaker makes a new noise.\
ac/sound screw? i don't recall there being a screw, but the speakers popping is interesting when you plug it in. without a pram battery (or with a dead one), the wallstreet refuses to boot off the battery. and if your speakers pop when you plug it in as well as it not getting power, you might have the loose ac jack. if that's the case, wiggle the ac connector in the jack. if the sleep light flashes on in certain positions, then you have to remove the ac card and just resolder the ac jack. this was an easy repair for me.
Ok, my parts arrived, and I just finished swapping in the PMU, AC/Sound card, and CPU.
Now when I plug it in; the screen + sleep LED blink, and the speaker clicks. Is this because of a dead PRAM battery?
mine has a dead pram battery, and it runs fine as long as either the power cord or battery supplies the voltage that the pram can't when booting.
Wow... good luck. I had this problem with my Wallstreet just before it died (of a trying-to-fix-this-problem-complication). I could never figure out if it was the PRAM battery or not... it seemed to be completely random. I hope you can find the problem quickly, because believe me, it can (and may) get very frustrating.
the most i can say at this point is try a new pram battery. it should still boot, but there might be other problems that prevent it from booting when the pram is dead. i'm replacing mine at some point with one that will sit under the slimmer hard drive i plan to put in so at least i can easily replace it next time it dies.
westieg3 do you hae the specs for the PRAM battery? ie type, chemistry, voltage, millamp/hours, suchlike? I'd like to try making up my own.
i'm actually not sure, but if anything were of interest to me, it would be the voltage and the specific purposes of each connector (positive and negative, but i'm not sure what the third wire is yet).
Well, I can re-use the existing connector, so that's not a problem. I was just wondering if anyone had peeled open a Wallstreet PRAM battery to see what was inside. I guess I can always do that myself when I get down to replacing it.
I think I might have some scans and or pics of one from a while ago... I will have a look on my backups and get back to you.
Well, I just for my new parts (PRAM battery and new inverter) and installed them, and when I plug in the power cable with one AC/Sound card installed, the power light blinks, and the speaker chirps in time with the light. When I hold the PMU reset keys, it stops. When I have the other AC/Sound board in, nothing happens but a brief click at the beginning.
Right now thats the one thats in it, and I have it plugged in because I heave heard that if you leave it plugged in for a while it might bring it back to life.
if you've tested all but the logic board, i'm willing to bet that you shorted it out sometime while disassembling or reassembling the machine. you're sure you didn't get anything stuck between it and the case? beyond that, i really can't think of much.
I have tried both logic boards I have, in both case bottoms, as well as with no case bottoms. This is really confusing me.
I gave a Wallstreet to a friend.. I asked if I could borrow it for a project, but the Wallstreet is now... not booting. In this case he was dumb enough to have it playing music in the bathroom when he was taking a shower (idiot!!) moisture I think got to it, and then the keyboard starting flaking out off and on. Now you can plug up a power supply, it will power on with the green light and fan, but the power button does not work. External keyboard also does not work.
Open to ideas on this.
Looks like I am a bit late but for future reference I will post pics of this very quickly done 3D model of a Wallstreet and PDQ backup battery anyway. Yes, it actually is called a "backup battery" in the service manual.
Please note that none of the cells are making physical contact with each other
Oh! I forgot to mention, these suckers are +3v VL2330 Panasonic just like in the Lombard and I *think* Pismo.
Awesome thankyou! I've saved that battery description in my phone so I can check out prices when I'm out. W00t!
looks like the white cable just controls when the battery is used then. i'll be intested in seeing what you build, however i can now easily fit a standard one under my slimmer hard drive.
and for not booting. ive said before and will say again. check the processor. that's what i've seen start the fan. it might be shorted or something else amy be shorting. beyond that, i have no idea.
yeah, I'm beginning to think that there is something on the CPU connector on the board. Right now it either goes full on fan, or clicks the speaker when I plug it in.
well with switching parts, it sounds like something is definitely shorted. between boards and processors, i'm sure something is up with how the board is fitting the case. i guess i'd say try putting together parts outside the case if possible and see, but if it's a short, i bet whatever you've put in has been fried. and just a thought, sound card connector?