Dual G4 CPU won't boot QS2002, 933 will...

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Dual G4 CPU won't boot QS2002, 933 will...

I picked up a used Dual 1GHz cpu card to replace my single 933MHz in a Quicksilver 2002. UNI-N revision is 11, boot rom is 4.3.3...so it should support the dual proc.
Dual daughtercard in, and all I get is the PSU turning on and staying on, power button on the front goes dim, red led on the MB lights up, but no startup sound or monitors waking up. I've even tried touching the CPU's and they don't get warm. I've pushed the PMU reset button a couple times, but no result. I've got a few spare PRAM batteries around in case I've drained the battery too low - could that be the culprit?
Put the original CPU back in and it boots up fine - and I reset date/time. I've been reading many similar posts, but haven't found the answer. The lack of heat makes me think either the dual cpu card is bad (!) or it's not getting enough power to run. Some posts mention 12v coming to the daughtercard via the metal standoffs. I've lightly roughed up the shiny metal rings around the mounting holes of the daughtercard to assist in a clean contact, but still nada. Also, I've got an old SCSI card and a SATA card and 2 drives in there. Is it possible I'm maxing out the PSU, keeping it from powering the dual cpu card versus the single?

Any ideas?

protocol6v's picture
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Try taking all PCI cards out

Try taking all PCI cards out (except video card), and all but one stick of RAM. The G4s were designed to have 3-4 drives in them, so it's doubtful the PS is overloaded. If removing the cards didn't work then chances are that processor is dead.

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Sorry double post.

Oelmuvun's picture
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hmm, is that dual 1Ghz CPU fr

hmm, is that dual 1Ghz CPU from a MDD? The MDD CPU might require DDR RAM (that the QS does not support)... I could be wrong though.

Just a guess.

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Re: Dual G4 CPU won't boot QS2002, 933 will...

It was sold to me as being from a QS, although now you've got me thinking. The MDDs I've stuck my hands in had very different looking heatsinks from my QS and from the CPU I bought. What I have sure looks right, but I wonder if there is a website where I can search using the serial # from the daughtercard? Just looking at the MDD cards selling on eBay tonight and the 867 and 1.42 look noticeably different.

p.s. haven't tried the other suggestions yet tonight, debating going to sleep.

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MDD CPU won't fit on a QS (and earlier)

IIRC the ram slots would block the CPU from seating on the MLB.

Sure sounds like yer 'new' cpu may be junk.

dan k

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Dual G4 CPU won't boot QS2002, 933 will...

Well, I finally had an hour or so to try again. Pulled PCI cards and all but one RAM chip out, replaced PRAM battery and reset PMU. Still the same result. It looks like the Dual G4 is DOA.
One thing I noticed - when seating but NOT screwing in the 933 I get the same symptoms, but when I screw in the 933 it boots up like it should. I'm out of ideas, and I guess next time I'll buy new.

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re: buy new

New schmew! The critical thing is the vendor/seller. If you buy from someone who will support the sale, used vs. new isn't an issue.

Shame about the cpu though, that's a nice setup (when it works of course!) Duallies is definitely the way to go. For my QS I ended up sourcing a dual 800 to replace my 733, only wish I'd been able to find an affordable 1GHz.

dan k

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Re: Dual G4 CPU won't boot QS2002, 933 will...

I picked up a used Dual 1GHz cpu card to replace my single 933MHz in a Quicksilver 2002. UNI-N revision is 11, boot rom is 4.3.3...so it should support the dual proc.
Dual daughtercard in, and all I get is the PSU turning on and staying on, power button on the front goes dim, red led on the MB lights up, but no startup sound or monitors waking up. I've even tried touching the CPU's and they don't get warm. I've pushed the PMU reset button a couple times, but no result. I've got a few spare PRAM batteries around in case I've drained the battery too low - could that be the culprit?
Put the original CPU back in and it boots up fine - and I reset date/time. I've been reading many similar posts, but haven't found the answer. The lack of heat makes me think either the dual cpu card is bad (!) or it's not getting enough power to run. Some posts mention 12v coming to the daughtercard via the metal standoffs. I've lightly roughed up the shiny metal rings around the mounting holes of the daughtercard to assist in a clean contact, but still nada. Also, I've got an old SCSI card and a SATA card and 2 drives in there. Is it possible I'm maxing out the PSU, keeping it from powering the dual cpu card versus the single?

Any ideas?

I have a digital audio 466 which I had installed the logic board, power supply and dual 800 card from an 01 Quicksilver. After swapping the parts and buttoning everything up, I was met with much the same result; system would power on, power button would light and then fade to black, MLB led would light, fans spin etc. but no start tone, or activity, and the cpu stayed cool.

It took me some futzing around, but I finally found that somewhere along the line the connector pins on the logic board for the cpu card had been bent! After a half hour with a magnifying glass and a pair of tweezers I got things straight enough to mate the cpu to the logic board and have things work. I've since swapped the DP 800 for a DP 1GHZ from an 02, and finally the single OWC 7455b at 1.6ghz with 2mb L3. I've had no further trouble with the pins, which is nice. I have this fear that anytime I pull the cpu card out, pins will break and I'll be up 'the proverbial stream with no means of propulsion!"

Obviously, you've mentioned that after going back to the single 933, everything is ok, so that would indicate the connector on the cpu card may be worth looking at. Additionally, since you mention the card is second hand, you should scope out the mutiplier settings for the cpus to make sure no one has been over clocking the card. Google "G4 dual 1ghz overclock" and you should find a link to Marc Schrizer's page which has excellent, detailed info on the multiplier settings for the Quick Silver's dual 1ghz card. Even if yours is set for the correct speed, be wary of indications that it may have been altered at some time such as crooked resistors, dried rosin, or scorch/burn marks. I've been told that the card can cope with a 1.2ghz over clock, but the one I had ran so hot, I didn't dare try it. It never crashed, but it still had me pining for better fans/airflow.

Finally, while you should think about trying to exchange or return the card, it may be worth having a look at the portion of the card that is related to power for the two chips. Where the card is staying cold with the system on, I wonder if something related to the card's power supply has failed. Burnt, bubbled up, bulged, or flat out broke, is obviously bad. Although, alot of the time parts fail and exhibit no visible defects. You may be able to order replacements and salvage the card, but, I've never heard of an Apple cpu card failing unless someone had been pushing it...

Best of luck

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