STL - Manifest of stolen goods

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doug-doug the mighty's picture
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STL - Manifest of stolen goods

For those of us who remember Steven Thomas Landon (not to be confused with the curent member "landon"), I recently was contacted by someone from his family who had come into posession of an eMate I had lost to the aforementioned.

I did provide my shipping address and within two days, I got my eMate back. Grant it the accessories were not there, but something is better than nothing, eh?

Two important things of note are that 1.) his family members are trying to do right to return what was stolen when they are able to track down and positively identify objects (the eMate had its address card in the bottom still which made it easy to trace), and 2.) I was advised by his family that

"it seems he is back at his antics on MacNN"

It is my understanding that STL has limited contact with his family members, so it may be hard for things to be recovered. I got to thinking that it might not be bad to start this thread as a master list of items that are still unaccounted for. If we provide a good list of items, this may help in the family identifying your items in the event that they encounter it. Here are the rules:

  • NO GRIPING OR BASHING!!! This is not a 'bash STL' thread, this is a 'here is what I lost thread'.
  • List the item including any definitive characteristics of their items (serial numbers, artwork, tell-tale scratches, etc). Include the date you lost it if possible.
  • Do not reply to other's posts. This way, they can update their info as the get items back (or correct details as the check dates). Please reply directly to this topmost post.
  • In the event that some of your tiems are recovered, please update your post (unless someone did not read the above bullet).
  • Do not ask me for the contact info for the family. Let them contact you through Tom Owad if your item is recovered.

I do ask, and trust, that the mods will help keep this thread pretty clean. Remember that the intention here is to give a laundry list, not serve as a platform for attacks or other distraction from the main point.

-- doug-doug the mighty

doug-doug the mighty's picture
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eMate 300 and accessories

Lost July 20, 2004

  • one eMate 300 RETURNED
  • one eMate stylus Got a MP 100 stylus instead when eMate was returned
  • one eMate power adapter RETURNED
  • one eMate 300 owner's manual, book
  • one eMate 300 classroom guide, book
  • one original eMate connectivity CD (v1.1)
  • one homemade CD (unmarked) containing eMate PDFs, web links, and Newton utilites

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He was found on the Detroit Craigslist!!!

I was checking out the Detroit Craigslist tonight and look who I found!!

I'd be willing to pay him a visit if any of these items for sale belong to a fritter member still.


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harassing phone calls

Dave.. I do not appreciate you calling my phone at 12:03 AM.. my boyfriend answered it, now the items we have on craigslist are completely legit, we purchased them in bulk from a computer shop in muskegon michigan. Your threatening phone call and harassing post has been reported to the michigan state police

madmax_2069's picture
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humm the plot thickens

humm the plot thickens

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So, do you think pretending to be this guy's girlfriend is going to get you any less laughed at or derided for being a thief?

If you really did call the Michigan Police about this call, don't you think that the investigation would lead to why you've had people having issues with you, and perhaps open an investigation into YOUR illegal acts?

A suspected criminal should probably NOT call the cops...Unless there's that whole secret desire to get caught thing. In which case, you could just clear your conscience and do the right thing by turning yourself in and surrendering the stuff you stole.

I wasn't around for the original wave, but I've read and heard stories from nearly every applefritterer that was and I have to admit, that they sound pretty damning for you.

I honestly don't care about your crimes, it's not my business what you did or do. But I'm a "let's point out the logic flaws here" kinda guy and it bugs me when I see people who have NO moral high ground threatening retribution for THEIR misdeeds.

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I am not pretending to be his

I am not pretending to be his girlfriend.. I am his girlfriend. I am not the one who did these acts and I dont appreciate being accused as such. steven is locating and the items and is going to return them once people provide there shipping addresses. Its my phone that was called at 12:03 am when I was trying to sleep not his. So please dont call me a theif or as such when you dont even know me. I am not him. Now steven is locating the items and is going to return what was lost as soon as I find out what belongs to whom.. The stuff i have found im going to be pming the members to get there information..

protocol6v's picture
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I don't want to get in the mi

I don't want to get in the middle of this, but, if he feels bad about what he did, and wants to return everything, why isn't HE the one on here right now asking for addresses and not you?

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Reason being he assumes hes b

Reason being he assumes hes been banned from these forums. I am helping him and I want to help the people that lost the items. All ive asked for is this.. People to tell me what they've lost so it may be located and returned to them

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triple repeat?

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eeun's picture
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Brokecollegestudent04 also po

Brokecollegestudent04 also posts on MacNN, with the expected fallout Here.

Also posts at 68Kmla, as brokecollegestudentF04, and not surprisingly has made no mention of making good on scams that took place there. Note that these three boards are Steve Landon's old scamming grounds.

Steve has in the past pretended to be his own friend, back in his Dr. Zoidberg username days, so I have difficulty investing any trust here.

If you've been scammed by Steve Landon and choose to pass along your contact information to him again, let us know if you actually receive your item.

...but I'm not holding my breath.
Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.

doug-doug the mighty's picture
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Let's give this a chance...

Okay guys, you know I am pretty straight up about things.

I checked with a family member of STL' s and this is what I got (paraphrased version):

* Niesha Barnhart is a real person.
* posts under 'MacNN' and 'BrokecollegestudentF04' are indeed the STL of whom we speak
* Claims by Niesha Barnhart to have a 4 year old child (posts on other sites/forums) are unsubstantiated.
* Police having confiscated equipment and not returning said items is unsubstantiated. The Pismo with redkeys was returned to STL.
* It has been suggessted that STL leave his contact info to get items returned. It does appear that that effort (even if only half-heartedly) is being made, take note that this thread was all about the return of an STL-stolen item.
* A number of items are known to be stored at a family members house and he has yet to locate these items.

I humbly suggest that those of us seeking the return of stolen items, do request them back from Niesha Barnhart (aka. girlfriendofSTL). As long as we are aware of whom we actually dealing with and provide no oppourtunity to be ripped off, there is nothing to lose except the time to ask for you item back. I do also suggest that we not degrade the chance by harassing others.

I am happy to give someone a chance to make ammends, but it does not mean I will trust them anytime soon. STL can try to make it right and Ms. Barnhart can help. I will not likely trade with either anytime soon, but I welcome them both to 'work off' the bad reputation.

doug-doug the mighty's picture
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Re: Reason being he assumes hes b

Reason being he assumes hes been banned from these forums...

...and rightly so. Your request for help in identifying the items in your/his posession is valid and reasonable.

It sould be nice if folks take you up on that and give you a chance.

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Alright.. You can email me a

You can email me at chatty_gurl1985 at with the item description and what I am looking for. Steven will be going to the place where the items are stored and will locate what he can and will replace what cannot be returned. also you can email steven at landon.steven at with what youd like to have done whether it be replaced or cash be sent. He will try to locate everything he can. Also I need to clarify one thing. August 3rd when all of this started to go down.. That was the day steven was arrested for his probation violation. As far as the pismo. steven is going to check at the surplus sale this friday to try and find a replacement and if he does it will be shipped along with the industrial PC to tmbannon if we get his contact info

What He has so far
Industrial PC-Belongs to tmbannon
duo and dock- belongs to wallstreet
quicktake200 camera belongs to derekcat
iMac 233- belongs to fritz gribern

Could anyone please help give a list of what else was taken so they may be returned to the proper owner.

Steven has been trying to make things right and get back on track.. he truly feels bad for what he has done hence the attempt to return the items.

He would like to get everyone taken care of and get there items returned to them.

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if he really wants to do the right thing...

If he really wants to do the right thing, then why did YOU appear on this forum a few months ago and not say anything about this issue.
Also, why is it that it wasn't until you/he got threatened and "harassed" that you/he decided to do the right thing.
If someone REALLY wants to do something, they don't hide under other aliases and pretend to be "brokecollegestudent" posting scams under YOUR BOYFRIENDS M.O. Then months after being banned, come and beg for the chance to do right.

Steve, admit're a liar and you've been caught AGAIN!

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Actually you are in the wrong

Actually you are in the wrong.. I have been conversing through PM with Reverend Darkness and he has verified my identity and who I am. I am not steven, And again Steven is not using my macnn account at all, Him and I both refurbish computers and resell them legitmately. We have reciepts for every purchase of computer equipment ever made. I was posting legitimate items that I had for sale. no harm in that. If you PM Reverend Darkness he can verify my identity and who I am

Here is the PM i recieved from Reverend Darkness after answering his questions

Home » private messages
Read message
From: Reverend Darkness
To: girlfriendofSTL
Subject: Re: Items lost to STL
Date: December 13, 2006 - 10:02pm

Thank you. You definitely have answered with information that makes it appear that you are who you say you are.

Before it was determined that Mr. Landon was scamming people ... er... misrepresenting transaction intentions... I sent a money order in the amount of $85 for the purchase of a 400 MHz Zif processor for a Beige G3. The money order was cashed, but I did not receive the processor. After others began posting their experiences with half-done swaps and merchandise not received, I was one of those that contacted the police there in Michigan.

If I could get either the $85 or the processor (though it would be worth considerably less now), I would consider any problem I have with Mr. Landon as settled, done, and nothing more to think about.


Reverend Jim Darkness

P.S. You do know why Mr. Landon was originally convicted, yes? And you are OK with that? I'm just curious how you resolve his prior history within your own mind.

> My graduating GPA was 3.4

eeun's picture
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Another unaddressed issue her

Another unaddressed issue here is that girlfriendofSTL was posting here recently as brokecollegestudentF04, until banned when identified as Steve Landon, and never made any mention during his/her time here of getting these stolen items back to their rightful owners.

Tom Owad's picture
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1) Anybody making harrassing phone calls will be banned.

2) Neisha did contact me, as soon as she was informed about the stolen property, about helping to see it was returned. The delay in implementation is my fault. If your property was stolen by Landon, contact Neisha at Please let me know what succes you have.

3) Steve Landon is in fact banned, and so it as appropriate that he would not be posting here.

4) What Neisha thinks of Landon or anything he's done is not any of our business.

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Late night phone calls

For the record...

"Ms. Barnhart" has sent me 2 private messages and one post to the forums so far claiming that I called "her" last night and left threatening messages. I have not contacted "her" nor Landon EVER! Anyone claiming that I have done so is either delusional or an outright liar. What I did by posting the items for sale by Steven Landon was, at worst, crossposting but I feel it was merely alerting others of his current attempts to move merchandise. Should anyone feel that their property might be part of this, I hope you make contact to retrieve said items.

"Ms. Barnhart" can contact the Michigan State Police anytime "she" wants. Matter of fact, "she" can post the phone number that supposedly called "her" at 12:03am last night and Tom Owad can verify if it was me or not. I can honestly report that I was asleep with a clean conscience at 12:03am... I do not know if others can make the same claim.


Reverend Darkness's picture
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Re: Actually you are in the wrong

I have been conversing through PM with Reverend Darkness and he has verified my identity and who I am.

This is not necessarily true. I stated that the person with whom I was holding a PRIVATE message conversation seemed to have information at their disposal which corroborated their claim. I did not ever stated that this person is who they say they are.

If you PM Reverend Darkness he can verify my identity and who I am

See my statement above.

Here is the PM i recieved from Reverend Darkness after answering his questions

So much for the "private" part of "private message", huh?

Anyway, I have not yet determined what action I will take on this. I have not yet come to a definite conclusion as to who the person is. I have not yet had breakfast.

I shall eat a bagel, consult my attorney, and go from there...

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To verify My identity here is a pic of myself and steve together

Also to verify who I am, I am posting a picture of me and steve together


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pictures don't verify diddly

So, there's a picture of a someone with someone else.
It doesn't prove that either of these people are or aren't logging in as friendoflandon.

That's all we're trying to say.

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re: late night phone call.

Well, if they don't want to post the number that called them, they could post the name that came up with the number (if they have caller ID, they go together) that should clear you.

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whoever made the call blocked

whoever made the call blocked caller ID its as simple as *70 or used a VOIP phone such as skype there was no number on caller ID

littlejohn's picture
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Verify ID

One simple way to verify your I.D., since you have already posted a pic, is to take a picture of yourself holding a $1 bill upside down in your left hand. That would go along way proving your Identity (or lack thereof).

doug-doug the mighty's picture
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...and so enter the 419-eaters...

madmax_2069's picture
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Re: whoever made the call blocked

whoever made the call blocked caller ID its as simple as *70 or used a VOIP phone such as skype there was no number on caller ID

ok then not to question you or anything .

if nothing came up on caller id cause some one used *70 or was on VOIP phone. how do you know it was dave or not. how can you 100% tell us that it was anyone. there is no proof to who it was really so you should not have been naming names when there is no proof to give.

that right there gives me a reason to question you, even tho your trying tp make things better by doing the right thing but i think you bit your own self when you came on here naming names blaming some one who you don't heve any proof to name names

eeun's picture
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I think we're getting distrac

I think we're getting distracted from the original intent of this thread.

Items are being offered for return. If you've lost something to Steve, make your claim, and let us know if/when it's returned.

Tom's posted he believes the offer to be legitimate, and further bickering about proof of identity may only serve to interfere.

Until the above conditions are resolved, this should be considered just between girlfriendofSTL and those who lost items.

Topic locked