How usb powering works on the Briel replica

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Joined: Nov 22 2006 - 17:44
Posts: 14
How usb powering works on the Briel replica

Hi All,

I'm thinking of asking for a replica1 kit for Christmas and am figuring out whether to get the usb option or not. I like the sound of powering it via usb to avoid the need for a unique powerpack.

Since it is the usb host how does it work? Do I need to run the keyboard via a powered hub, or do I need some sort of adapter to inject the power?

Also - does anyone have an estimate for how long the kit takes to build/get working? I used to do a lot of electronics when I was a kid, but it's been many years since my soldering station was used in anger!



Last seen: 5 months 2 days ago
Joined: Dec 20 2003 - 10:38
Posts: 249
If you run the replica 1 off

If you run the replica 1 off the usb port, it will power the ps/2 keyboard as well. This is a nice feature because you only need the usb cable to your pc to power the replica 1. Well, I build kits in an hour but I've got the advantage. At the VCF workshop last month the average times ran between 2-4 hours. 4 hours was the extreme for people who didn't have as much experience building. Hope this helps.


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