We're gonna be rockstars.

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We're gonna be rockstars.

I put together a page of live to track songs from stuff that we'll be working on for our upcoming album. It's rough and live, but it gives an idea of how we sound.


We're called "the next" and our genre is scrap metal.

I'm the singer and mixer dude, my wife's on bass and we've got a drummer and a lead guitar.

Any feedback is welcome negative feedback is always appreciated.

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You and I haven't had the best of conversations, so I hope you take what I'm about to say with a grain of salt...

I like it.

No... really... I like it.

I got a "Jack White and Iggy Pop's love child meets Creem" kinda feel from it. Granted, it's rough, but the best bands always start out that way.

You are living the dream, man... whether you ever make it "big" or not, keep dreaming...

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That's great, thanks for the feedback. It's especially good to hear from someone who I often disagreed with, since my bandmates often think that people just say they like our stuff to say something nice.

I'm not so worried about making it big. I'm still in the process of getting this project ready to show off to the world. Then, we'll bypass big and step right into huge, world conquering one hit wonderdom. Then I'll quietly retire and use the funds to build my time machine.

Or, I'd be happy just playing out more often.
But, thanks again!

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well... to be honest, I'm not really feeling it. although after those two songs have cycled through a few times now, it is growing on me a little more.

In my opinion it is as much metal as "meet the beatles" was metal. (I'd also like to note that I am a HUGE fan of the Beatles - I just dont consider them to be metal)

I'm not trying to insult anyone at all. Honestly. All Im saying is that if I walked into a bar and heard this I wouldnt stay very long. Are the lyrics meant to be taken seriously, or are they tounge in cheek - like Green Jello? And that is a sinscere question, because when I heard them I started laughing - but then I wondered if that was the intent.

I really dont mean to sound harsh, you did ask for feedback and I am just being honest.

I know that alot of people would like this, in fact I'm pretty sure a few of my friends would be all about it.

But, music isn't REALLY about what other people think anyway - though feedback is always really cool. And I completley respect anyone who goes out there, tears it up and has a good time. Biggrin (and gets enough money to build time machines) Smile

...and it definetley sounds like you guys have a good time. Biggrin Biggrin

and, just to make it fair - so you dont think I'm just some random troll - Here are a few examples of my "work"
-my old metal band: http://www.myspace.com/thebalancefactor
-and, my current solo stuff: http://www.myspace.com/onefallinghopemusic
please feel free to have a listen and give me some feedback as well.

Best of luck... there really is nothing more fun than having a week or two of shows booked and driving from state to state living out of the back of a minivan - all 5 of you with your gear - and getting to play for a bunch of people. Biggrin Biggrin

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Not Metal. Scrap Metal.

Like throwing away the old and creating something new based on the leftovers of the previous generation. But thanks for the feedback. I hate where music has gone in the last generation and I feel like it's time to throw away the crap and start from scratch.

The lyrics are mostly serious, but because I'm an ass I tend to make everything sound slightly goofy, even topics like parental molestation.

I hate modern music because it all sounds so self referential and faked (like generations of people trying to sound like people who were trying to sound like people that sorta sounded like Sabbath or the Beatles or Buddy Holly)

Rock is rebellion and if we do stuff that sounds like the last generation (even if that generation is last week's music) then we've lost the rebellion and given in.

See, if I walked into a bar and heard you guys, I'd think you were worried more about how you sounded and what notes you played than if your audience was having a good time. Most bands play for other bands, not for the show. That's the other thing I hate about modern musicians. It's so masturbatory (funny coming from a guy who's current "hit" is about teenage masturbation)

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lol. Smile fair enough. I just realized that your in providence... thats only about a half hour/ 45 minutes away from me. Hello Neighbor. Smile

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Neighbor hi.

Many grunts, hello.

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Re: Not Metal. Scrap Metal.

See, if I walked into a bar and heard you guys, I'd think you were worried more about how you sounded and what notes you played than if your audience was having a good time. Most bands play for other bands, not for the show.

fast edit there Smile

I would also like to say that it hasn't been "you guys" for quite a while.

nah, It's just me... playing for me, and my friends enjoy it. that second link is how it is now. me and my mac, rocking out. hopefully people like it... but, if they dont thats cool as well. Smile

let me know if you guys are playing around anytime in the nbear future. I'll try to swing by and check it out. ...theres only so much you can get from a couple of demos, live can be totally different.

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So, you play out?

My irrational sniping aside, where do you play? Providence is getting harder to play in outside of open mic nights. My drummer would probably appreciate your solo stuff more than I do. I'm kinda single minded right now (in let's make a real album mode for like 2 months with no result)


Sorry, I get super bristly easily these days. Might be TMI, but due to minor surgery I've had to wait like 2 weeks for Mrs. Reklus to be allowed to do her non bass playing wifely duties.

(the above is total tongue in cheek sexism not to be taken as an affront to any aspect of female sexuality or feminism)

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lol... funny funny stuff. Smile

the "(in let's make a real album mode for like 2 months with no result)" stuff really does suck. doesnt it. Smile
thats why I left my last "project" the people around here have gotten so stale that they are more concerned with stroking their own egos and regurgitating the same crap over and over that, in my own personal way, i told them to "stuff it" and decided to withdraw into my own stuff for a while.

as far as playing out, at least around here (in new london, ct) there are a few places:

the old "El N Gee" club is back again, and there are alot of people setting up shows there once again. the "new" owners (same guys that bought the el n gee and turned it into Hyp-no-tic... and then back in to the el n gee when that didnt work) are pretty easy going and approachable.

there is another place down on Bank St. called "The Brass Rail" also known as "O'neils" or, "O'neils Brass Rail" and they're big into booking alot of indie music through there (I know its Scrap Metal, but it REALLY fits in with the same vein of indie music that comes through there, at least from a booking standpoint) - I no longer know who you talk to as far as booking down there is concerned. The guy that used to do it had a bit of a falling out with them.

and then there is "Kream Koffee Bar and Lounge" on state street... it is a coffee shop, with no alcohol (but it is next to a great irish pub) but, it is a fairly large space, and the owner is a friend of mine, he does shows there often and there is an open mic night every sunday (ok, so this is also a little self promotion too, because i built his website) but if you go to http://www.kreamcoffee.com/ and check out the (not so recently updated) events page all of the contact info is there.

As far as me playing out... I might play one or two songs at an open mic every 3 or 4 months... but thats it for now until i finish building my car and find a new job.

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Thanks for the headsup. I'll probably use some of your leads shortly, I have this idea of doing a few gigs where noone we know could be. Our drummer is nervous about playing onstage and I need him to be at the top of his game to do what he needs to do.

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your drummer..

let me just say that i really like your drummer. I went to his site asnd i LOVE all of his little songs... so, i sent him an email. he seems like a really nice guy.

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For some reason he seems to believe you thought my name was Tommy? That's great! For the love of god, tell me how that came up.


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well, when following the train of posts.... it all started with your post about doing things for LEM... then was pulled from your byline on LEM... as i did not see your real name posted elsewhere. Smile

many apologies. Smile

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I've never done stuff for LEM.
Now things are getting really interesting.

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ah... im just stupid...

see, I saw that you had posted in :


and as it was really late when i looked on that, I didnt realize that you were not the orig poster.... and I just gave you his name.

rest assured, the guy who started the above mentioned post is named Tom.

wow... i really can be a moron sometimes

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Ok, scared me for a moment.

Not moronic at all, I assure you. That was funny as hell though.


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Ok, scared me for a moment.

Not moronic at all, I assure you. That was funny as hell though.


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New jams

We've got a couple new songs on our website.

They're more straight to track improv jams whittled down to 3.5 minute songs.

SLS is my take on the hilarity of satanic worship...

Complications is because I have a wife. I think that says enough.

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