Problems Installing OS X 10.4 on an iBook G4 1Ghz, 12"

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bigd's picture
Last seen: 17 years 2 weeks ago
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Problems Installing OS X 10.4 on an iBook G4 1Ghz, 12"

So I purchased the OS X 10.4 system disks for my ibook in hopes that I can reinstall the software and OS and hopefully overcome a random freezing issue. I ran the disk diagnostics and it stated that evertything was fine, so I assumed it was a software issue. Well the disks DO NOT work, even though they are for an ibook G4.

Can anyone help or shed some light on this issu? Thanks.


bigd's picture
Last seen: 17 years 2 weeks ago
Joined: Sep 26 2006 - 17:03
Posts: 37
Also, I get the alert: "This

Also, I get the alert:
"This software cannot be installed on this computer".... Hmmmm....

coius's picture
Last seen: 10 years 12 months ago
Joined: Aug 25 2004 - 13:56
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when apple creates those discs

I believe they modify the installer so it only runs on one certain model. Same was as my iBook 1.2 12" won't use those discs (tried it) as mine came with 10.3.7, and my friend's iBook 1.42Ghz iBook OS won't install on my system. If I recall, your iBook runs with the model of M942LL /A and the install OS is looking for M9846LL /A (12")and M9848LL /A (14") In order to install. I would suggest getting Tiger in the form or retail and see if you can get your money back on the tiger iBook install discs (especially if you got it on eBay, and they said it would work on ALL iBook G4's) as they might have presented it as misleading.
That's all i can say for now. Or the best thing to do, is to wait for 10.5 (the best option) where you will be the best.

The best I can do, is to send you a copy of mine (which has the same 10.3 version of what you have) and you can do that with the original install and see if that works. Since mine came with 10.3.x, and yours came with 10.3.x it might actually work. The Major OS Stepping might be what is keeping you from doing the upgrade.

P.S.: you might be able to contact and Apple Rep. and he can get you a copy of the original Install OS CD's. I know they keep those things around. But it might cost you $30, which is not so much if you plan on upgrading to 10.5 eventually. And then just put up with 10.3 for a bit (trust me, it actually runs faster on my G4, than the tiger install I have. And I have 768MB RAM and a 1.2Ghz CPU!!!!) It's not a bad OS, and Tiger seems a bit cluttered. I know that 10.5 will be a nice upgrade. And I am looking forward to getting it.

coius's picture
Last seen: 10 years 12 months ago
Joined: Aug 25 2004 - 13:56
Posts: 1975
follow up on the freezing issue...

check and make sure the RAM module is seated correctly. Same goes for the Airport card. also, try without an extra ram module, or with another one from somewhere else. It could be that your ram is going dead.

bigd's picture
Last seen: 17 years 2 weeks ago
Joined: Sep 26 2006 - 17:03
Posts: 37

I think I will try the apple rep and see if I can't get a copy. Thanks again!

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