OK, so here is my problem (and I have never really had a problem with SCSI before).
In order to get my Quadra 950 set up with OS 8.1, I first installed it onto an external SCSI HD using my 6500 (selecting OS 8.1 for any computer). Then I booted the Quadra from the external HD and repeated the game on the internal HD (this time selecting just "OS for this computer").
I also have an external SCSI Zip drive hooked up through the external HD and it takes care of termination of the external SCSI bus (SCSI IDs are different). The internal SCSI bus has the HD, a CD-ROM and is terminated with a small connector (not sure though if it is needed).
So here is the problem. When I boot from the external HD, the Quadra recognizes the Zip drive with no problem (it mounts Zip disks). When I boot from the internal HD, no mounting (the Zip drive clearly does not even attempt to read anything from the disk). I haven't checked the SCSI bus yet to see if the Zip is found, but for some reason I doubt it will (I will check soon).
Any idea why this is? Is it possible that the termination on the Zip drive doesn't work and only when the boot disk is on the same bus it is "seen".
ps. I installed the PowerPC card into the Quadra and it now has the nicest turn on chime that I have ever heard. Does anyone know how that works? Does the PowerPC card take over the PRAM (or wherever the chime is stored)? It really is a cool chime.
do you have the Iomega driver in it? If not, it *might* not see the drive at boot, whether there is a Zip disk in it or not at the time of the computer booting up.
I just found it though. I never understood what the Iomega driver was for. The Zip drive seems to follow standard SCSI protocol. It even works with A/UX as long as the cartridge is formatted correctly.
I will try the driver. Do you know what it is supposed to do?
It's supposed to make the Zip drive be recognized by the Mac when hooked up.
I guess then it was meant for one of "those" situation that I'm experiencing right now.
I'll try it. Thanks for the info. I'll post the results here for future references (if anyone is actually playing with a Q950 any more).
The ZIP cart has the driver on it already, so even if for some reason the disk doesn't mount, it should at least show some activity.
The Q950 has (if IIRC) SCSI manager 4.3, so it should be able to handle multiple SCSI busses. Still, while it shouldn't, your symptoms suggest an ID conflict. Try setting the Zip to a different ID.
Or perhaps it's term issues (heh, just for fun)
Mebbe try using an active external terminator on the Zip's bus.
dan k
You were right. Once I compared the extensions in the two system folders the external drive (system installed for every computer) included the IOmega extension but it was not on the internal drive (system installed for Q950 only). Once the IOmega driver as included it worked fine.
Something must have changed in how the SCSI is run between the Q950 (or MacOS 8.1) and some of the early PowerMacs (or MacOS 8.6, not sure if it is hardware or software). I know for a fact that I have used a 6500 with a zip drive without the IOmega extension.
Whatever it is, it works now.
Thanks for bringing that up Coius.