I'm not a big fan of the TV show Lost, which is why I just noticed this while watching the free iTunes store download "Lost Survival Guide". There is a numeric code that repeatedly appears in the show. One character has to enter it at certain times into a micro computer. An Apple //e microcomputer, (attached to a Moniter ][). Wow.
Actually, it's a II or II+.
I've got one myself, connected to my own Apple IIe in my underground bunker ... er, ... basement.
Pictures here?

Lost picture analysis
I just watched an extra long episode of Lost. Yup it's an Apple ][ or ][+. One of the characters smashed the the monitor. That and complex apparantly blew up, mostly, perhaps. Anyway, I think that Apple ][ was killed off by the writers. Maybe it can be replaced by an Atari 800.