I have been watching that movie for weeks, and believe me, it has given me the urge to go camping, and build a house. unfortunately, i can't build a house (yet). but, camping is a option. well, that's all for now.
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Time to watch something else.
Maybe you should get a few friends together and go camping down at the lake for a few nights. I just went camping for 4 days, and i has done me good.
War Movies:
-Apocalypse Now
-Das Boot
-Saving Private Ryan
-Henry V (1989)
Funny Movies:
-Animal House
-Dr. Strangelove, or how I learned to stop worrying and love the bomb
-It's a mad, mad, mad, mad world
-The Life of Bryan
Science Fiction:
-The Matrix
-Blade Runner
-2001: A Space Odyssey
-Close Encounters of the Third Kind
-Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan
-The Terminator
-The Manchurian Candidate
-All The President's Men
-The Hunt for Red October
And if you have to watch Disney, watch something like "Finding Nemo" or "Toy Story."
Where's Full Metal Jacket?
Although it's not technically categorized as a "comedy", Hackers is quite comical! And it's a hoot to see all those old Macs in use.
Good picks on all the rest, though! I do have to say that one of my favorite Sci-Fi picks is The 5th Element, not least because of Milla Jovavich.
Dune (the Lynch version) is also high on my list, though I understand it's a love-it-or-hate-it type of film (and hard to understand if you haven't read Herbert's books)
Some others among my favorites are Office Space, Blazing Saddles, Spy Game, Sneakers, The Natural (yes, I know, lots of Robert Redford - but not because of him), Spies Like Us, Ronin, Snatch, The Englishman Who Went Up a Hill and Came Down a Mountain, Waking Ned Devine, The Dish, La Femme Nikita (the original in French with subtitles), Friday, Rebecca, Rope, Mr. Smith Goes to Washington, An American Werewolf in Paris, Killing Zoe (a great bank heist movie), and, I admit, The Princess Bride! Amélie is pretty good, too.