"iPods more popular than beer on college campus's"
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"iPods more popular than beer on college campus's"
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It is a travesy what has happened to America's youth!
[eyes poster of Belushi in sweater that says "COLLEGE"]
[/eyes poster of Belushi in sweater that says "COLLEGE"]
Ah the good ole days...
Marge, someone squeezed all the life out of these kids. And unless movies and TV have lied to me, it's a crusty, bitter old Dean!
My school obviously wasn't included in these findings.
HMM, yeah........ but when was the last time anyone handed out iPods at a college party?
I'm not the drunken party type, but I wouldn't mind hanging around and noshing for free ipods.
Bobbling for "apples", anyone?
One of the high schools in my hometown just had a rash of iPod thefts. Like, 30 or so. Turns out one of the kids involved had a master locker key. They'd also just swip 'em from a table if someone wasn't watching.
It's strange how technology changes school. I used to be the only kid in my HS who carried a laptop around, 10 years ago. Now I wouldn't look so odd. Heck, even my BIL got back from his first year at Univ and he got to keep the laptop case. Too bad they school took back the laptop... maybe they'll get Macbooks next year?
I don't think it is a particulalry stong drinking school.
man, we think the same...
I was the guy in elementary and junior high who lugged around one of those fancy word-processor typewriter things to school(not because it was cool, but because my writing was HORRID)
Ahh, if I could have afforded a powerbook, that would have been neat
wow. i'm still the only who carries around a laptop daily at my school.
I guess these students have never drunk a good beer.
If all they drink is that watered down swill that seems to be so popular here I can see why they vote that way.
The reason that ipods are more popular than beer on college campuses is that most frat boys drink grain alchohol because it's easier to slip date rape drugs into weird mixed drinks than cases of natty ice.
...I would have to disagree.
While I do believe that GHB is a problem, to lump-sum stereotype all fraternities as being predators of this nature is incorrect and harmful.
This minor trend in or society is not limited to fraternities, nor is it limited to college aged kids. It is entirely the domain of those two worthless enough to get the desired action on their own merit.
Some of my most memorable moments from college come from the pure joy of intoxication with my fraternity brothers (half of whom I despised anyways):
...nothing in there about drugs and deceit, just good, stupid fun.
Besides, the thread was all about beer and iPods. Where did mixed-drinks come into this?? And why label a group for a crime that is not unique to them nor their primary M.O.??
I'm just saying the largest group of fans of sublime when I was in college were frat boys and they all seemed to take the date rape song as a mantra for how to score. There were dozens of fratties that I was friends with that ended up telling me how they had to do sexual acts to unwilling women as part of hazing.
Your frat may not have done these things, but let's be honest, the kind of guy that would be posting on a tech site is not the kind of guy that would get into the "cool frat" (not that that's a bad thing)
Beer is less popular than Ipods because more and more college students are buying hard alchohol. Thats all.
Yeah, I know the song, but that was before my time. I guess my school was too laid back for that kind of stuff to have sucha strong observed influence on it audience(s).
The worst hazing that my frat ever did was making the pledges cry. We would sit tham all in a room and every brother would walk in alone, one-at-a-time and ask three simple questions. The answers were always wrong (and on the rare occassion that they were right, they were 'wrong' anyways). We would always end it by having an alumni member whom they had never met walk in the room and ask 'what is my name?'. By then, guys usually cracked. Our chapter history did tell of other events from the 80's where pledges would stand on top of a loft and toss over a brick with a string whose other end was 'secured'. The trick was that it was actually two strings and it was all a mind game. I have never heard of folks who actually took part in, or knew someone as you did that took part in 'pursuing the unwilling'.
Perhaps this is true, and being that our college was smaller, I guess the competition was less fierce.
I won't debate over which form of alcohol is more popular these days, but I still think alcohol (in any form) is more popular than iPods. My argument in favor of this is that kids are getting iPods before college, so the 'new' has worn off by the time they get there. The alcohol, although maybe not new for them prior to college, is now no longer a taboo when in college (and easier to obtain). While everyone may have an iPod in college, I assert that if given a choice, the majority of students would choose alcohol over iPods if given a choice.
My stink with you, reklus, was only over saying ALL fraternities have an ulterior motive and will pursue such with no regard to morality or legality.
My bad. In my head: Frats don't=Fraternity. A frat is populated by fratboys. A fraternity is an organization that can even be coed. A frat is generally populated by assholes. A fraternity can become a frat by being filled with asshats, but is not necessarily full of said assdribbles.
Sorry for the confusion.
that's quite enough "ass" in that post.