I have a 300Mhz B&W with 768MB 80Gb Hard Drve Rev 1 motherboard. It currently has Panther on it but I can't get Tiger to install it I get "BaseSystem cannot be installed on this computer." It has the latest firmware installed. The DVD is used but original. Trying to find an answer on google doesnt help. Any ideas.
I've tried to install Tiger on my Mac and get the same message about the BaseSystem - did you ever solve this problem? (I'm pulling out huge chunks of hair!)
By all means it should work, but maybe it needs a faster CPU to be installed without xpostfacto. either that or your partions on the HD are causing problems, that machine should work just fine though.
On early G3s (including Beiges and slot-loading iMacs), OS X must be installed on the first partition of 8GB or less. Other partitions on any given drive may not be larger than 12GB. I know your 80GB probably works just spiffily in OS 9, but again, these early G3s are quirky in this way with OS X.
IDK whether B&Ws fall prey to this "feature." But if you're having trouble installing OS X of any kind, This would be the first thing I'd try.
Maybe your best bet would be to get a second HD (8GB or smaller), set it to slave, and use it for your OS X install. That way you could keep your OS 9 installation intact. You *might* even be able to see the one large partition under OS X as long as it's not on the OS X system drive. Won't leave a tremendous amount of space for, say, video editing, but you can use the 80GB for that.
Good luck!
I have a 400Mhz Rev 2 B&W and it has no problems with either Tiger or Tiger Server. It has two 40GB hard drives installed, and Tiger/Tiger Server was installed on the first drive without any partitioning. Your problem may be unique to the B&Ws with the Rev 1 boards, but I haven't heard of any problems with Tiger and B&Ws.
Where did the Tiger install DVD come from? I don't know, are there machine specific versions of Tiger out there? And you say your Mac--which Mac? Is it a B&W too?
i dont think that xpostfacto will run on the b&w because technically its still supported. I tried it on my pismo, and it wouldnt run. Also make sure that the dvd drive is set to master.
First problem you will have is the size of your hard drive in a rev. 1 B&W board. See Lowendmac.com or xlr8yourmac.com for info on data corruption using large drives in a rev. 1 B&W G3. From my experience with several rev.1's 12GB is about the maximum size limit to avoid problems. The best solution is to get a ATA133 PCI card and it solves many issues and is much faster than the on-board IDE controller.
What kind of DVD are you using ? It sounds like a Mac specific disc and not a universal installer. Does it have any Mac names on the DVD ?
Otherwise Tiger should run on a B&W but a faster CPU would help. (and ATA card)
to avoid other problems,if you are using mixed ram (pc100 & pc133), make sure that the pc100 ram stick is in the FIRST RAM SLOT (this slot sets the timing for the other sticks).
If you are not certain what is in there for ram, try using DIMM FirstAid, as I'm not sure Apple System Profiler will show pc100 or pc133