need help with classic II

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westieg3's picture
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need help with classic II

i just got an old classic II today from the same person who gave me my wallstreet. just like the wallstreet, it is in pristine condition and boots surprisingly fast. my only issue is that i have it running in the basement right now with no keyboard or mouse. is there any way to adapt a usb or ps/2 mouse to work with the adb or scsi or would i just be safer running to goodwill and picking up a set of adb components there? i want to mess with this little piece of history, but i don't want to damage it in the process.

dvsjr's picture
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no usb support...

If you want to stay with simple, adb keyboards and mice are so cheap, I cant imagine a good reason not to grab one. Craigslist or ebay will certainly have one.


westieg3's picture
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i guess i'll just run down to

i guess i'll just run down to goodwill tomorrow and get a keyboard and mouse then. i'd like to get an external mouse for my wallstreet anyway so i won't polish the trackpad like on my ibook (though i use it with an external mouse too...).

too bad i couldn't adapt the black apple pro optical mouse to adb. i thought that'd look great with the black of the powerbook.

Jon's picture
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A CardBus USB card will work

A CardBus USB card will work on your WallStreet...

dvsjr's picture
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black adb's were made

Check ebay for the mouse from the Mac TV. I nabbed one on ebay, with a full all black adb keyboard, the only one made by apple. They pop up from time to time, and are beauty.


westieg3's picture
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keep in mind that i use the m

keep in mind that i use the mouse right handed and the short cable doesn't work well when it has to be plugged in on the left side.

right now i still need to find a keyboard and mouse for the classic. the only issue there is making sure i don't get a set that have yellowed too much or too little (yes the plastic on the computer has become somewhat yellow, but it still looks nice).

Hawaii Cruiser's picture
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Where do you live?

I'm sure there's lots of people here like me with a small pile of ADB keyboards and mice, one of which they'd gladly part with for an aficianado. Shipping cost is prohibitive from me, though, sorry.

westieg3's picture
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i just checked ebay for the b

i just checked ebay for the black adb mice today. it's amazing how expensive they are for just being black (and rare). somebody was trying to sell a black adb mouse for $70.

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I remeber a long time ago, some companies, such as Kingston made ADB-USB adaptors... I saw a mouse on craigslist once for $20 that included this adaptor.. If you got one of those adaptors, you might be able to use an apple pro mouse....

dankephoto's picture
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You done remembered wrongly Blum 3 my friend, for there was never such a thing to convert USB devices to an ADB computer. The only adapters available let you use ADB peripherals on a USB-equipped computer.

BTW, I've seen two different black Apple ADB keyboards, one the MacTV compact version, the other the junky later extended ADB keyboard with the cable attached (can't rememeber the model name.)** Anyone know with which Mac that one would have been associated with?

dan k

** eg: eBay auction of said keyboard

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oh yeah?

What do you call these?

connect that, then connect your PS2- USB converter... ADB-USB!

dankephoto's picture
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re: oh yeah?


OK, so you tried this combo of adapters and it allowed you to hook an actual USB mouse to an ADB Mac? AFAIK, only certain specially-equipped USB mice (those that can sense the adapter and switch their interface circuit to ps2) can use one of the USB-ps2 adapters. A regular USB mouse or keyboard (or anything else) cannot be used. I guess that does mean you may be able to use one of those special USB/ps2 mice, but that seems kinda excessive somehow.

In any case, the OP should just poke around Goodwill or where-ever and source a pukka ADB K+M. US$30 for a ps2 to ADB adapter will buy a whole truckload of Apple KBs and mice. Blum 3

dan k

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yeah, very true.. it would be

yeah, very true.. it would be a lot cheaper to just go buy a few mice and keyboards. I got my point accross, it can be done, but it is certainly not worth it. I have like 5 mice that shipped with PS2-USB adaptors... Those should work with the ADB adaptor, but newer mice that only have a USB connector wont work..

Jon's picture
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Wow. That makes the matched

Wow. That makes the matched set of Mac TV mouse and keyboard and ADB cable that much more worth while. Wink I had assumed that it might be worth $50 for the set. Now I'm guessing I might be able to get over $100 of a good day.

FWIW, I know a guy that had a Mac TV and didn't know what it was worth. He had it kicking around the back of his work truck for a while by the time I saw it. It had gotten a few scrapes. I told him what one might go for, and he then told me he got it in pristine shape. Sad If it had stayed pristine and I had matched it with my kbd/ms we could have sold the package for a pretty penny.

grannysmith's picture
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Black ADB keyboards/mouses

I have three black 5x00 Macs, two black AppleDesign keyboards (the model you were asking about?) and one black mouse. Guess which is the scarcest, and commands the highest price when sold on its own? I have a 2-port PCI USB card in each, so they can slum it with a black USB Pro Mouse when they have booted into OS 9.1.

Two black 5500s, complete but in base trim, have recently been passed in twice on Australian eBay. They were overpriced at AUD100 and 150 starting, and handicapped by 'pickup only from Woop-Woop' delivery.


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Addendum to preceding

I have just seen an auction for a black Apple Keyboard II, the existence wot of I was previously unaware. (Colour, that is.) Lower starting price than the auction quoted above for the AppleDesign keyboard.


Jon's picture
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That's just what I have, but

That's just what I have, but mine are in nicer condition, and include the matching coiled ADB cable. I was suprised to find all three together in the particular place I found them...

dvsjr's picture
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My black ADB keyboard

westieg3's picture
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having 3 adaptors wasn't exac

having 3 adaptors wasn't exactly my idea with the powerbook...but okay! i've seen a few old adb mice upgraded to optical, so maybe i should just try that and see if i can stuff it in a pro optical mouse shell.

as for the classic again, what specific keyboard did it ship with? i've been on ebay and i see the designer, extended, and compact keyboards, but none of those look like the keyboard on the compact ones i've seen look closest, but they seem more suited to the color classic. so if anyone knows the specific keyboard model or number, that'd help.

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the one in that picure is an

the one in that picure is an Apple Keyboard II model #M0487, that will work, apple design keyboards will work. The he mouse is an Apple Desktop Bus Mouse.

Jon's picture
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The keyboards pictured on tha

The keyboards pictured on that site don't seem to be following history well. From what quick looking I did, they have a IIgs ADB keyboard pictured with the SE listings. They also use the same photo for various machines in a particular family... Don't take their photos as gospel for what machines shipped with. Wink I'm not sure of the model number off hand, but I know I have one (or 5) like it. I've also got the IIgs, the compact and extended and Design keyboards. I'd have to trek to the basement to find some model numbers.

westieg3's picture
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i suppose it doesn't matter w

i suppose it doesn't matter which keyboard it came with now. i just got a designer keyboard and the adb mouse II last week which i'm using with the machine. they work fine and i can use them with my wallstreet. i wouldn't sell them with the computer in the future as collector items, but they at least make it useful.

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