hi if you can't tell I am
mad at microsoft for the
OVER HYPED xp operating
system. at this point you have to
be wondering why i'm am so mad
at the software. first off
it is the only thing most
places have and it
is over priced at $199
you have no options
(linix is not easy
to get for most)
microsoft has made
a little less power
version in asia
so linix does
not over take
the money hungey
companey so
one day they can jack
up the price on them
#2 it is so much like
mac os.I know the look
of the mac os interface
had somethig to do with
the way windows came out
#3 no one has a hope
of compateing with
them the only company
that has the resorces
is apple and they won't
make a pc version of mac
os x ( it would be great if they
those are my opions on windows
you may think my views are
a little exstream but that is what
I think
the malcontent
Also, apparently your spell checker doesn't work. And I know it's hardware, but your shift key is having problems. It got stuck for a couple sentences and then completely failed to work for the rest of your post.
My suggestion to you? Ubuntu.
Easily the most popular Linux distribution out, it's very very pleasant and easy to use.
If you don't like it don't use it.
Isn't being angry at a software company for not making some software YOU want instead of what all their other customers want sort of similar to...
...being mad at a car company for not selling pushbikes?
And I'll Never forgive Chrysler for that !
Personally, I'll never forgive Ford for building a car out of cardboard (see also ford focus)
I was mad at myself for
messing up the old vesion and the fact
i had to get a new copy
.windows is ok
nothing is all great but
I am over it
now i have pro
btw the ford joke was great
i grew up on macs so it's not like i will ever use windows. i despise my ibook, but i'd rather a $1400 paperweight and a broken (but beautifully working) wallstreet for free than an insecure pc. sometimes i wish os x ran on whatever hardware i wanted though. i envy my brother's custom gaming machine, but i'm not interested in the os on it (though the motherboard is a perfect candidate for os x86).
The nice people at Ubuntu will send you as many install and live CDs for both x86 and PPC as you want. For nothing. On most hardware, it just up and works. Hunt around their website and you'll find the "Send me a free OS that works" page.
Before anyone doubts the true free CDs from Ubuntu's ShipIt setup, trust me it's *free*. I've had 3 shipments totalling 40 sets (that's 80 CDs: 1 Install 1 LiveCD per set, sets avail for x86, PPC, AM64) and they've never blinked an eye at me. I'm planning on ordering a large shipment for the release of Dapper and take them down to www.surplusexchange.org like I did with most of the ones I already got. The batch I took down there already were almost gone in 3 days...
People LOVE free stuff, esp if it means they don't have to put out $199 to get WinXP on their new $25 PC.
i am glad to see that i fix the windows issus btw is ubuntu a good server system
It's Debian based, so make your own assumptions there.
You can boot a regualr Ubuntu Install CD with the server setup, instead of the regualr install option. That makes a much smaller and very basic isntall that you can add to as desired.
I need a good os for my server so i am going the route thx for the idea