Please Help

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Last seen: 18 years 11 months ago
Joined: Mar 30 2006 - 13:49
Posts: 3
Please Help

I have an Apple 2 plus, with most of its original hardware and software. All seems to work well, but I cannot enter anything with the keyboard. I have tryed replugging the keyboard in, but nothing I try to do works.

Any suggestions?

Thank you in advance,


Last seen: 5 months 1 day ago
Joined: Dec 20 2003 - 10:38
Posts: 249
There are a couple of things

There are a couple of things that I can think of. First of all, is the power light working?

There are 2 boards involved with the apple IIplus, the main keyboard unit and the keyboard encoder. The connector between the 2 is unique and is prone to bad contact. I would remove the encoder (smaller board) from the keyboard and reconnect it.

Does reset work? Does ctrl-reset work? Answers to these questions will help figure out what is going on. Do any keys work at all? Many times, the apple II's keyboard get dirt and dust inside from sitting for years. But if none of the keys are working I would think the problem is a bad contact with the encoder board or the large chip on the encoder board is bad. I've seen all of these symtoms in the past.


Last seen: 18 years 11 months ago
Joined: Mar 30 2006 - 13:49
Posts: 3
Vince, The power light is


The power light is burnt out and I am looking for a replacement.

I'll try and reconnect the encoder board.

Reset on its own doesnt work, but Ctrl-Reset does. None of the keys work. I'll look for a bad contact.

Thank you very much,


woogie's picture
Last seen: 8 years 1 month ago
Joined: Dec 20 2003 - 10:38
Posts: 267

When you disassemble your cables, connectors and boards,
before reassembling them be sure to check the contact
pins and fingers. Maybe they need some cleaning. Gently
wipe them down with some alcohol and a piece of clean
lintless cloth like fom an old white T-shirt. Clean any
contact strips on any circuit boards with a small eraser
like on a pencil. Then wipe the contact strips with the
piece of cloth and alcohol. Also check for any bent or
misaligned pins/fingers.

How long was your computer out of service/in storage/
not in use before you began using it again? Where was it
stored? It might just have a bad case of crud buildup.
These machines are very sturdy and usually can be brought
back to life with a little careful attention to detail and
cleaning. Good luck.

Also check all of your cables for breaks and bad insulation.

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