Anyone have CDs of Copland or Rhapsody?

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Anyone have CDs of Copland or Rhapsody?

Just curious if anyone has the developer releases of Copland or Rhapsody. It would be pretty cool to run them, just from a historical standpoint.


token's picture
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I have all of the developer r

I have all of the developer released of Rhapsody on the original CD's except for x86 DR2, but I can't give them up or make copies. That said, I do see them pop on eBay every now and again. They are pretty rare and always carry a hefty price tag, but if you're that interested then that is likely the best place to look.

MacIndows's picture
Last seen: 18 years 9 months ago
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It's possible to download the

It's possible to download them if you're just interested in running them, as opposed to collecting the physical objects.

I installed the x86 version of Rhapsody DR2 in VMware once - it did (eventually) work and is quite an interesting OS to see, but it kept crashing and didn't seem to have any drivers whatsoever, so I deleted the VM fairly quickly.

I downloaded Copland recently too, but I only have one Power Mac (and one Mac hard drive bigger than 40 MB) so haven't tried it yet as I don't want to delete everything from that machine - if another one comes my way then I might try it some time

Dr. Webster's picture
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Re: It's possible to download the

It's possible to download them if you're just interested in running them, as opposed to collecting the physical objects...I downloaded Copland recently too...

Since Applefritter does not condone the unauthorized downloading of copyrighted software, this is everyone's reminder to watch what you say.

iamdigitalman's picture
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all I will say is it's out th

all I will say is it's out there...

and by it, I mean the wonderful screenshots people have taken of Rhapsody. cant find any of copland. both are probibly pretty buggy, as they were ment only for developers developers developers developers

whoops, got stuck in ballmer mode there for a second. Smile

-digital Wink

moosemanmoo's picture
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I have a copy of Copland (don

I have a copy of Copland (don't worry, this one is legal) and it's very underwhelming. It crashes all the time and just doesn't offer anything that the released Mac OS 8 doesn't.

Zydeco's picture
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I have tried to use two versi

I have tried to use two versions of Copland.
The earlier doesn't even boot, it calls the debugger (running on another mac connected via serial port) during startup, the debugger shows some stuff and then times out.

The later version, DDK 0.4 does boot, but the only usable program is the Finder, anything else freezes the mac or shows an error. It has the Gizmo theme that came in later betas of mac os 8.2, that was released as 8.5 but didn't include themes.

The boot process showed a cool animation (at the end, it says Microkernel initialization starting)
and the theme had animations too, that weren't present on the final version

Sorry for the bad quality, but its the best i had for recording video. I may post better captures when I have time, I now have a camera that's less bad.

eeun's picture
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I had toyed with one of the b

Neat! I wish they'd kept that startup animation. Thanks for sharing that.

I had toyed with one of the betas for OS 8, and the "happy Mac" at startup winked.
Just about fell off my chair the first time it did it.

I read later the wink was removed from the final version because it may have caused offense in some cultures. :shrugs:

madmax_2069's picture
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i cant view them QT say's it

i cant view them QT say's it needs a plug in that is not available on there network

Jon's picture
Last seen: 13 years 9 months ago
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Those flippy menus are some n

Those flippy menus are some nifty eye candy! I haven't seen anything do that before. Mostly it's all just highlights and shiney effects...

dankephoto's picture
Last seen: 1 year 8 months ago
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re: i cant view them QT say's it

Grr, one of my pet peeves - QT7 media unplayable on earlier QT versions.

dan k

madmax_2069's picture
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yea i hate that to, i think i

yea i hate that to, i think its apples way on trying to make you to buy a new Mac that supports the new OS X wich supports QT7. lol i got my self confused there

Zydeco's picture
Last seen: 4 years 1 month ago
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Ok, I'll convert it to someth

Ok, I've converted the videos to MP4 so they can reach more audience

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