1] There're 2 battery slots on both sides that I have no intention of using & I'd like to cover them so no dust & stuff gets inside.
Is there some sort of "Battery Slot Cover"s that I could buy somewhere?
2] Recommend a text only web browser.
Thank You!
I would put in 2 batteries, whether you want to use them or not they fit the hole really well.
then I would probably look at lynx, (Maclynx) the only text only browser I know of.
I so don't wanna use the batteries 'cause it'll make it that much heavier than it already is lol
Any other suggestions?
And I'll look at "MacLynx" !
Thank You!

open the batteried, take ot the cells, and then use the empy shells as port spacers?
I've had that idea before -- but it's too much work lol
I was looking for more of a "Battery Hole Cover" kinda thing, really
But thanks for the suggestion!

Such battery compartment covers do indeed exist. The PowerBook 540 shipped with two batteries, so there was no need to include such a cover, but the 520 only shipped with one battery (in the left bay), so a cover was included for the right side. You might be able to buy a couple through eBay or the LEM Swap List.
Thanks, Dr. Webster!
I'll have a look on "eBay" right away!
Any more suggestions?

Duct Tape
I can confirm this. My Powerbook Krush (540c, see my image gallery) has a slew of battery slot stuff. Two covers, 2 batteries, and a pmcia module. I bought a 520c from Ebay and it came with a battery cover. All the 500 series stuff is cheap on Ebay now.
I agree...
When in doubt DUCT TAPE IT!!!!!!
For advice on this go to ducttapeguys.com They have any advice you'll need for the use of this fine product!
I think you can just rip off the cover off the battery. My Batteries never lock in place, so I just use the batteries' covers.
- make them into little drawers to keep spare pens, notepads etc
if you can find a speaker that small
- speaker cabinets
I've always played with the idea of fitting an additional hard drive in the battery bay of a laptop. I'm a bit of a nut when it comes to storage, and I always thought it would be incredibly cool to have an another harddrive in the battery bay of a laptop with a dead battery.
I don't have any experience with the PB5xx series, but would it be possible to fit a 2.5" SCSI drive in there?
The Czar
that would be a cool idea
A one Gig IBM 2.5 drive is a little smaller than the battery on a PB 540 and if you pull the battery contacts out of what ever side you decide to use it will fit if you build a mount for it
Signals is da problem, not space. Thing is, the bay's existing interface is basically a PDS, so anything you attach has to create a whole logical 'socket' to plug into that PDS, a decidedly non-trivial task. I suppose, back in the day, there might have been a market for a PDS-SCSI chipset, but I've never heard of any actual products along those lines.
I guess it'd be possible to run the internal SCSI port out into the bay, but I seriously doubt the 'Book could support the electrical load of a second drive.
For extra expansion bay storage the best bet would be a PC card solution, eg: a CF HD in a PC card adapter, plugged into your PCMCIA EBM. For serious extra storage, buy a ATA-SCSI adapter and drop a 30GB HD inside. :coolmac:
dan k
Essentially, what I was thinking of was running a SCSI cable capable of daisy-chaining the original and expansion hard drives together, not modifying the PDS within the expansion bay itself. As for power, I would imagine that there would be gobs of power available if you didn't have the charging circuit activated. It may not be the correct voltage, mind you, but the hard drive should take much less power than would the battery, would it not?
The Czar