Radeon 9100 PCI

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Radeon 9100 PCI

I am new to this forum and am looking for some help. Several years ago, I bought a B&W at ebay. It came with a Radeon 9100 video card installed. I bought a different video card for the B&W for the work (and games) that I use and so far, am pleased with the new card but what I'm asking about is I want to install this card in my 9500 but I can't find drivers for it. I asked Radeon and got a nasty message back that said the 9100 was on for PCs and that they would not be responsible for any damages to the card if changes were made for it. Now, I don't know much about flashing a card or changing the ROM. Does anyone know what drivers to use for this card? I've read articles on how this card is so much like the 8500 but it doesn't seem like the most efficient use of the card if I use a lower driver for it. Any help is very much appreciated. Thank you.

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I flashed a 9100 and installed into a B&W, worked fine under 9 and X with stock ATI drivers. This you've tried?

The first ROM I installed worked OK overall, but DVD playback was dicey. I subsequently applied a later stock ATI update and now (AFAIK) it works perfectly. Sorry to say I can't recall the ROM or update details though. In any case, if it is already working on a Mac, all you really need are the drivers, not a ROM flash.

dan k

Last seen: 19 years 1 week ago
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RE: Radeon 9100 PCI


Thank you for your reply. I need all the help I can get. : )

I am embarrassed to say that I have not flashed the 9100 because I don't know how. I've had a Mac for years and always bought the hardware that was recommended/made for the Mac. I am assuming that it has already been flashed since it was in the B&W when I purchased it and the video ran okay. I am going to install the card and a new hard drive in a 9500 next week and I was just wondering what drivers I should download since there are no 9100 drivers for the Mac OS. Should I download the 9200 drivers or should I download the 8500 drivers? From what I've read, the Radeon 8500 is almost the same as a 9100 so I thought I'd get the advice from people who know a lot more about installation issues. As I said, I really appreciate the advice and help that I get. Thanks again.

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Last seen: 1 year 8 months ago
Joined: Dec 20 2003 - 10:38
Posts: 1899
re: OS?

Yes, but . . . the OS is . . . ?

On my 9100 I didn't have (nor do any exist) 9100-specific drivers. As I mention above, I just used the general ATI drivers Apple includes with an OS install and that worked. However, there may later-than-your-OS general ATI driver updates, you may want to visit ATI's website for more info. Again, knowing the OS you intend to use would be useful.

dan k

Last seen: 19 years 1 week ago
Joined: Mar 3 2006 - 10:06
Posts: 3
RE: Radeon 9100 PCI


Boy that was quick! I'm planning on installing 9.2.2 and 10.2.8. I've been to the ATI website and turned away because the 9100 is a PC card that wasn't made for the Mac. I'll go ahead and install the new hard drive and card next week and see if it works with both OSs. If not, as Arnold would say . . . . . "I'll be back".


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