here is the link
on the right side of the window there is a pic of a usb thumb drive click it and fill out your info and put any company's name in there "just make one up" and if you want you can answer 2, T, T, T to the answers
Thank you for requesting the Mystery Solved USB drive loaded with valuable information. Please allow 6-8 weeks for delivery.
Now we wait...

I just wonder how big it will be. Probably 32MB
yea its prolly not much but still its Free. Cant go wrong with free
Well I've signed up, and I'm just waiting for the verification email
Just ordered mine, now all i have to do is scrape off all the icky "Microsoft" lettering on it when it gets here. If it gets here....
such as the cult of mac dance and hooha to get rid all the "EVIL"

its the info on the drives is the reason they are giving them out
i'm pretty sure that the thumbdrive is a 128mb one, i told my friend about it and he said he already got one from microsoft through that program.
"It's not in the size mate, it's how you use it" quote from Austin Powers Goldmember
What's the difference what size it is, it's free!!!!! What's better than free stuff? wouldn't let me into the questions page while using Opera. I had to switch over to Explorer.
Thanks for the link!
Now Microsoft can pay ME for once. mwahahahahaha
Steve Ballmer is going to flippin' kill me if he finds out that I'm not really in charge of Mergers & Acqusitions at Initech...
(edited for language by eeun)
Everyone should post pictures of what the drives look like after they've removed all traces of microsoft (and possibly performed further modifications).
It's probably the exact same as a 128MB flash drive I got for free from Microsoft once at work because we're in the Microsoft Partner Program. They're horribly distended, but they have a flashing red LED, and you can't ignore the hypnotic power of LEDs!
i think i might install linux on mine DamnSmallLinux has an option on the boot cd to install to at least a 128mb thumbdrive, and for those computers that can't boot from usb there's a boot floppy u can make so the pc can boot from usb.
Great idea! How about an unofficial Pimp My Flash Drive contest?, in six to eight weeks from now...
It seems to want an MS Passport login. I'll need to create one. Shucks. That'll be later.
I just tried to get one and it asked me for a Microsoft passport account...
...which I do not have.
[crinckling sound as tin foil hat is taken off of the shelf and place snuggly upon pointly little head]
So if I read right, Billy is out pushing hardware preloaded with stuff to poison my Mac when I try to clean it off and use it for my own wants and needs.
"Try this. Its free for you cause I like you."
So you try it. Then you get hooked. Then you want more. Then you find out that you have to pay a little something to get the good stuff. So you pay. First you pay a little, and a little ain't a lot. Then you will pay a lot and a lot becomes a little.
I have heard the stories and seen the damage of the 'pushers' getting kids 'hooked' by giving out 'free sample' of 'stuff' to get new customers and sell their 'goods'.
Was I the only one sober in the 80's?
Did anyone not pay attention to the big 'Just Say No' campaign?
You will get your free USB drive. You will find you are unable to easily clean it up and reformat it for your own uses. You will either 'try it and not like it and not inhale' or you will give it to a friend and become a pusher yourself. Your Mac-collecting tendencies (that inner-pack rat), will prevent you from just throughing out good hardware. You will be vexed and frustrated. You will go through the depression and anxiety.
Your only hope will be a twelve-step program or me - I have just the thing to make your life better...
[/crinkling sound as tin foil hat is returned to shelf next to original stack of 40 install floppies containing Windows 95]
Hee hee. I've MADE that stack my self, from a CD-ROM, because the IBM PS/2 Model 80 tower I had didn't have a CD drive... And it only had 4MB at the time. Win95 on a 386DX/20 with 4MB and an 8514/A video card. Man, that SCSI card was nice. I still remember the night-day difference 8MB made... And the hours of "insert floppy #XX"...
Sounds good to me. In six to eight weeks, it's on!
got this in my email recently....
Please keep this e-mail for your records.
One or more of the items you ordered from Microsoft are on back order. We
apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
Ordered From: USB Corporate
Order Number: 2000006613
Order Date: March 21, 2006
Ship to:
********* Rd
********* MI
United States
Sold to:
********* Rd
********* MI
United States
Following is a list of the items in your order that are on back order:
Part Number: USBCORP
Product Name: USB Drive (Corporate)
Qty: 1
Unit Price: 0.00
Item Total: 0.00 USD
Subtotal: 0.00 USD
(USD = US Dollar)
Do not reply to this e-mail. This message was sent to you using an automated
system. This e-mail alias is not monitored for replies. If you need help, please
contact us through one of the methods described below.
Thank you,
We highly recommend that you update your Microsoft software to better protect
against viruses and security vulnerabilities. Please visit us at for details.
I wonder what will ship first, the flash drive or Windows Vista?
Still waiting too. I see it's been 11 weeks since I signed up for it
I wonder if they have caught on
If they did they've probrably spent more money looking for guys like us than what the little drives are worth. A google search for "microsoft flash drive free" showed that they are only 16 Megs each.
Either way the web is littered with stuff about the free drives. Links to PC World's blogs and such.
Oh well,
either way MS got more than they could handle!
so wait, we arnt going to get them?
I ordered mine at the beginning of March, didnt get a comfirmation email, but it said it was succesful on the page. it's been 4 weeks though.
and even if it's only 16mb, I can still think of a use for it *portable firefox*
...before most of us are at "six to eight weeks" from when we first all jumped in.
Even if it's 16 MB, I'm still going to pimp it.
i got a confirm email for mine, but didnt get a back order email as of yet that i know of
havent gotten mine yet, it's been more than 6-8 weeks
I never got the backordered email. But I dont really care if it comes or not. This kinda thing happens to me alot - I'll sign up for some free information package or CD; then six months later something shows up and I say "Oh, how nice, but when did I sign up for this?"
I got this from an email from MS regarding the flash drive. Rats! While I already have 2 flash drives (64MB and 256MB), the more the merrier!
Thank you for your interest in the Mystery Solved Windows® licensing promotion. We've received your request for more information to help clarify Microsoft® Windows Desktop Licensing pre-loaded on the USB drive. Unfortunately, this Mystery Solved promotion was available in the U.S. only and while supplies last. Supply is depleted at this time, so we encourage you to please utilize the online alternative today.
Simply download* the Windows Desktop Licensing reference files directly at:
I was wondering what happened. It has been more than the time they said to wait, and I never got any email from them.
oh well, I also have 2 flash drives, both 128mb each.
Boy, I'm glad I didn't fuss about with this abuse of an offer. 16mb? I'll stick with my zip discs thanks.
Well, stink.
I got the same 'US only' email from them. You'd think that information could have been provided up front. I mean, they could have arranged for any country other than the US in their form to receive a "we're sorry, but..." message.
The flash drive itself isn't a big deal, but the principle warrants at least a five-second frown in the direction of Redmond.
Ah...there we go. Now back to whatever it was I was doing. Which, I might add, wasn't very much.
yea same here i have not gotten a e-mail or anything from them. i lost hope in it. yea right micro$haft 6 weeks my @$*.
I got the same e-mail... 6 times. Guess I might have been a little greedy
I bet they were intending to send them internationally but when the time came they couldn't keep up with the demand, thus the 6 week delay before getting the e-mail.
I got an email stating that they ran out of them and would not be getting any more.
Maybe the bank got suspicious when MS tried to deposit all those souls people sold them to get a free thumb drive. It was a larger deposit than the usual one from the Windows License click-through. Unfortunately for MS the Soul Sales Certificates (SSC) were written to draw on U.S. souls only, and were non-negotiable for International Soul Sales (ISS). Having make a sale of their souls, mortals were left in default and will not be allowed past the Pearly Gates of Heaven (PGoH) and will be sent directly to the underworld. The bank manager thought he could hear the voice of Satan laughing in the car parked outside while Billy brought in the illegitimate sales certificates...
Still no email... guess I'm not good enough for old MS
Oh well I'll just stick with my snazzy new 1GB flash drive
In a somewhat offtopic twist, it seems that the local electronics retailer is selling cheap ( MP3 player/flash drives that can have their flash chip upgraded for a fairly minimal investment to 1 gb. More information at: So I might yet end up with a cheap and cheerful flash drive.