I have 2 suggestions ofr the IRC channel. As alot of applefritter memebers do not use the irc channel, i thought about ways to make it easier for people who dont know much about IRC to still be able to benefit from this portion of the applefritter community.
1) A java interface intigrated into the applefritter wesite. I dont know java, but i think there are existing java based clients that could be intigrated into the website.
2) An easy to use single channel IRC client. For those uncomfortabel or unfamiliar with IRC, i have written an IRC client that at the push of a button connects to the AppleFritter IRC channel. I have compiled 3 versions of it, one for MAC OSX, and 2 for classic OSs for both PPC and 68k machines, so even those with vintage hardware cna participate (assuming there online).
If somebody wants to implement these, we'll use them.
I don't suppose anyone on the forums has the ability to sign Java applets? That might be useful...
The only problem is i dont have webspace in which to host these files. There very small, the OS X version is 1.8mb, the Classic OS PPC version is 1.5mb and the 68k version is 652kb. There currently on my 60 day free trial iDisk public folder, username seandooley. Note, there are some features missing from it, however i am continuing to devlop it.
the client can be downloaded by going to homepage.mac.com/seandooley and clicking on Applefritter irc client, then downloading the approperate version for your computer. There are 3 versions:
FritterChat OS X -- for OS X
FritterChat PPC -- for classic os on PPC machines
FritterChat68k -- for classic os on 68k machines
Announcing a test configuration of the PJIRC client:
Go nuts folks, and we'll see what happens. If it works out it'll be given a better entry link somewhere on the site.
I followed the link, got the chat button and pressed it, was prompted for a nick and entered Jon, and was then presented with an empty window with a green border around the inside of the window.
This is where you give details such as OS and browser type so it can be reproduced and tested for.
Do you have an up to date Java Runtime Environment? Also remember that since this is a public IRC server, "Jon" is quite possibly a nick already registered by someone else.
now, i cant say officially, but i'll probably have the first non-beta version of my #applefritter IRC client (fritterChat) out around the end of this month (jan), or at the latest the first week or so of next month (feb). This update will be for all 3 versions, and should add a userlist, and fix most fo the major bugs.
Er, yeah. It was under 10.2.8 on my G3 iBook 600. So far I'm online an talking to CubKid with the Mini. It shows me as "Dolly-Bot" to him, but shows me as "Jon" locally.
thats a bug with the version you have. please delete it and download the latest version. Also, currently you cannot use /nick, you must set your name before connecting in the settings dialog. /nick should be avalalbe in the next update.
I had been setting the Nic via your interface. I'll try the newer version sometime, thanks.
the old verson contains a rather nasty bug that can cause it to flood the channel (program can get caught in an endless loop) im asking all users of the old version to delete it and download the latest version.
devlopment has been a bit slow. life has a tendency to get in the way of things & such. However, for those of you w/ your own IRC clients, the channel is HOPPIN right now.
Wow... it's been a while. Anywhoo... seeing as there were a lot of issues with the old FritterChat, i have decided to completely rewrite it. The new FritterChat.app can be downloaded here:
OSX: http://dooley.sean.googlepages.com/FritterChat.app.zip
Classic OS: coming soon
I'd like to stress that this is a very simple client, and lacks many features us hardcore IRC users are used to, but, it's great for someone who just wants to try the AF IRC channel out.
(attn mods: i know im resurrecting an OLD topic, but, it WAS still on the first page, so...)
EDIT: This software is still in beta! im wtill working on it. i just ut it out there to get feedback on it. final version for OS X and 8/9 will be out next week with luck
Ok... It is officially out of beta.. Oh yeah... it now works in OS X & OS 8/9! (anyone who wants to test it in a classic OS, i'd thank you).
Download Link
if u need a place to host it, ill be more than happy to load it up on my web server!
I thank you for your offer, but, it's currently hosted on my Google Pages account, which is also where i host my website, so... I think it's fine there. Thank you, tho.
incase anyone happens across this thread: I've taken down the link to thatApp, as i can't be sure it'd work properly in Leopard. For now, users without IRC client software wishing to join us in #appleFritter may do so via the Freenode web connection: http://webchat.freenode.net
My personal recommendation for an IRC client would be to download & install x-chat Aqua. It's free & easy to use.
I may come up w/ a new version of the old connection app at some point in the future.
Came up with a new quick connect app, for anyone who wants it. It's simple to use, just type in a username and click "connect"
For OS X Leopard (PPC & Intel): Download Link