I would like to change the blue load screen to another color. I heard it said someplace that it was hard coded into the operating system. Does anyone know where it is, and where to get proper values to change it. I have this perfect theme installed on my 10.3 build, but that back ground shows its face and ruins everything during boot and logout.
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...the blue desktop that shows as you boot up / login? If so, just navigate to HD/Library/desktops pictures and replace "aqua Blue.jpg with whatever image you want. you MUST rename the old image to something else, as the new image must be named "Aqua Blue.jpg"
I mean the blue load screen before it loads the desktop picture. To see what I mean, log out and before the Aqua Blue.jpg loads, there is this blue screen, I want to make it black.
oh, that. dunno if you can change that.
This is AppleFritter, the question is how hard?
And you couldn't be troubled to do some Google searching?
I found this:
oh wow, i wasnt even looking to do somthing like this but it has gotten my attention haha. thanks for the link Dr. Webster.
ok, i offically feel like an arse...
well, anywhoo, i have now changed my boot panel! woo hoo!
The site is blocked by my ISP because it contains "sharewares download."
Would someone mind posting the instructions on the forum?
That sounds like a terrible ISP if it would go so far to block content. I suggest you switch to an ISP that's at least half as evil. The instructions are spread out over a few pages and it's a lot of clicking and downloading.
I do a majority of my research at school. The school filters are atrocious.
I looked at the site, it just tells how to alter the login panel. I need to change the background. I don't want to cheat, and fill the entire screen with the panel. I never want to see that blue color when I boot again. It ruins my color scheme.
Though, that site gave me more ideas about what other modifications one can do, and I am intruiged.