Lombard Questions (Memory and OS X)

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Lombard Questions (Memory and OS X)

I just bought a Lombard 333 with 256mb of Apple memory in the upper slot and the original 64MB of memory in the lower slot. I replaced the 64 in the lower slot with a PC133 256MB stick that I pulled from my Wallstreet, where it worked fine (of course, it only registered as 192 total between the 256 and the 64 on the Wallstreet because of it's limit). For some reason, the Lombard only recognizes the 256 in the lower slot as a 128. Is this because it was in the Wallstreet that reduced it to 128, or is there something wrong? How do I fix it?

Also, is it possible for me to load OS X 10.3.9 off my iMac restore CD? Right now it is running OS X 10.1.5 and nothing I want is compatible with that OS.

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Low-density SO-DIMMs

You need to use low-density SO-DIMM RAM -- sticks with chips on both sides of the card, not just one. Usually PC-133 is high-density, and the Lombard (or Pismo, or tray-loading iMac -- they all use the same type of processor card) will only see half the card.

If you use a low density stick (as I've done in my Lombard) you'll see the full 256 MB on each stick for a total of 512 MB. You can usually only find low-density chips in PC-100 (up to 256 MB) or PC-66 (up to 128 MB).

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Re: Lombard Questions (Memory and OS X)

... is it possible for me to load OS X 10.3.9 off my iMac restore CD?

I won't recommend it for two reasons:

1) Many of the restore CDs are machine-specific, and may very well not fly on the Lombard.

2) It is a violation of the EULA to use your machine-specific OS installer on another machine (other than the one with which it shipped). Yeah, I know most people pay about 2 nanoseconds of attention to this inconvenient fact, but since this is a public forum, it should be said.

You can find 10.3.x retail installers on eBay for anywhere from $30 to $80. Not a bad deal really.

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Memory Issue

Hey, I believe you are in the same boat I was recently.
I have a Wallstreet (and it seems the Lombard has the same issue) and wanted to max out my memory. It seems that the Wallstreet needed Low Density Chips on the Memory Boards I purchased.

I checked with Kingston and they said the KTA-PB100/256 would work fine. I purchased at a steal (I'll leave the price to your imagination) two sticks totalling 512MB (I was hoping).

I say this because IF there are any problems with Kingston Technologies memory they stand behind their product with a lifetime warranty. Informed Kingston that it would only recognize half the memory of each board no matter if they were installed in upper or lower slot.

I had them returned and was issued brand spanking new replacements. Unfortunately these were replacements, but NOT the correct low density chips needed. I return the second set and had to place a deposit on them for the correct pair of low density memory boards. They were out initially but I immediately put down my credit card to have the correct low density chips sent out before they were out again.

Now I have 512MB in my Wallstreet and I'm a happy camper.
Be aware that the low density chips are actually smaller than the normal chips you expect and there were more of them per side than the usual four ....

The memory boards you have will work with the Pismo from what I gather ... as I've got another pair to sell too.

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Posts: 52
I was able to get Tiger loade

There is a way to get Tiger loaded on the lombard by doing a hack to the installer. A machine specific DVD will look for that machine id, if you remove that it will load on any mac. I found the procedure on the net but I imagine it is illegal. But if you legally own the disc you should be able to use it on your lombard. But I much prefer OS 9 and use that now on my lombard.

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