supported tiger x86 systems?

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westieg3's picture
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supported tiger x86 systems?

well, i'm going insane because i can't find a good mac laptop for under $500 thats fast, efficient, and strong enough to handle what i do to it, so i'm one one of my rampages of looking for a laptop that will handle tiger x86 that's available online. i had a page with a list of computers at one point, but i have since deleted the bookmark. anyone know where that list would be? i know different computers have different components that work, so i'll start out by saying that sound, video, and wireless must work flawlessly. it needs to be something that i could easily add more ram or a faster hard drive to. i've also been leaning toward ibm because of what i've heard about the thinkpads, but i forgot how much was supported on them (and the lack of a trackpad on cheaper models drives me crazy).

Dr. Webster's picture
Last seen: 19 hours 4 min ago
Joined: Dec 19 2003 - 17:34
Posts: 1760
The only officially supported

The only officially supported computers that can run an x86 build of OS X is the iMac Core Duo and MacBook Pro.

The version you refer to that's available online is a leaked build intended for developers. It's not supported by Apple, and is a violation of copyright law to download it. Since Applefritter does not support the illegal distrobution of copyrighted software, and the AUP forbids such discussions, this thread is closed.

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