I dont know if this is the right place for this, but...
Im running 10.3.9, and i was wondering if it is possible to change the color of the apple menu icon from blue or gray to something else. I'd like to make mine green to go with the rest of my motif (like, think grass green). Any ideas on how best to do this?
Theres a program that gives you the classic apple menu and the multicolored apple (i think you can change the colors also) I think it was called classic menu or something like that. ALso look at unsanity's software.
Yes,you should definitely take a look at Unsanity's ShapeShifter. It costs $20 bucks, and theres a lot of different themes to choose from.
Im looking into using shapeshifter. I dont want to really change uother aspectos of the GUI tho... so i'd need to find or create a theme that changed just that aspect. Thanks for the tips.