As those of us with cats can attest, these little beasties seem to love computers. Be it for somewhere to lay on top of, rub against, meow at, or bat at the screen. In the last few months, a fair number of macs have come into my house. My cats seem to love iMacs (everything from the tray load to the latest intel iMac) and the aluminum PowerBooks more than any other machine Apple's made. They don't seem to care much for the plastic PowerBooks (1xx-G3) or any of the iBooks. The only way for me to use a computer without a kittie trying to cuddle with it, is by using a PowerBook other than my 15" aluminum. They just love to lay on the keyboard/trackpad more than anything.
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My cat is smart enough to stay away from my machines, but she sure loves to sit on top of my subwoofers.
my cats love my 19" crt. then sit on top, take long naps, mostly because its cold outside and the crt is nice and warm
My cat likes to walk across the keyboard
...why cat's love that aluminium powerbooks and g5 imacs... because they get really hot, so they produce a lot of warmth at the surface of their cases. and as you know, cats love warm places! that's the reason why mine always sits on the hood of my car...
i keep the cats way far away from my computers cause all the hair can get in there an really play havoc with cooling and can screw up stuff. i know i had to clean out my friends computer she has 2-3 cats and my got the amount of hair i sucked out of her computer. i take a vaccume to my mac or my cousin's pc in his room twice a month to keep it clean and free of hair
well, my cat knows well enoguh to stay away from my macs. he does have a rather unhelthy attachment to my mom's Toshiba Sattelite 1135-S125, which is a piece of junk (30gb toshiba HD failed and replaced with 60gb seagate, bad hinges, optical drive falling off, fan grill breaking apart, left touchpad button becoming so depressed, she had to use an external optical mouse, etc). He will rub against it (making the screen flop everywhere, damn cheap hinges), lay arcross the keyboard, whathaveyou.
the only time I cought him near my mac, was when I had the old Yosimite drawbridge open for some cleaning/repairs/upgrades/experimentations. I walked away for a few minutes, and when I came back, he was sitting it, sniffing at every component. rather than have fried cat for dinner, I yanked him out of there before he tripped the internal power switch (the one on the mobo).
he also likes to sit in my old junker frankenstein PC case, which is in the middle of being parted out.
anyone remember this:
I came across this thread while my wee beastie Lexi was laying across the top of my monitor...
My friend has a kitten and when ever i go to his house, the kitten likes to see right behind my laptop where the hot air comes out. pretty funny really.
A friend of mine is having memory-lapse/hard drive problems with her computer, and she's been told that it's because she has cats, and that the static in their fur causes weird things to happen with the hard drive. On the other hand, it's a PC. Which of the two do you think is the real trouble?
I've had the oddest feeling lately that a cat is going to come into my life somehow...been thinking of going out to buy a litter pan and scratching post, just in case.
yea cat hair in a computer is not a good thing cause it can cause static and currents. and can also help the dust build up and resrict the air flow a great deal. so your friends pc could have gotten screwed up by cat hair
My pc def goes on the fritz if it gets too much dust or hair in it, im sure its all related.