"Why Macs Suck"

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davintosh's picture
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"Why Macs Suck"

Bet that got your attention! (By the way, those are not my words; I put quotes around it because somebody else said it.)

If you want a good laugh, you've gotta see this Google video. The guy is obviously a clueless Windows geek that ends up using a Mac and doesn't have any idea what he's doing. He thinks that you have to "sneak up on a Mac" to get it to do what you want it to do, when that's more the case with Windows.

The sad thing is that this guy would have been able to work through every one of the problems he ranted about if he'd asked for help on AF.

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i dislike people like that...

one thing i really liked that he talked about was deleting a system file. he said "on a mac, if you delete an important file, you dead, but nothing is really lost in windows, because if you know what you doing, you can go into DOS and recover the file" (or something like that) but really, how many windows people do you know that know anything about dos? i know very few.


Dr. Webster's picture
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Can you say "parody"?

Can you say "parody"?

davintosh's picture
Last seen: 11 years 1 hour ago
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Re: Can you say "parody"?

Can you say "parody"?

Well, sure; he's making a parody of Apple's "Switched" commercials. But you gotta know that he's doing it to vent over frustrations he's had with an OS that's unfamiliar to him. This video was pointed out to me by some friends who all said they could relate to this guy's frustration.

Hawaii Cruiser's picture
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Angst in the open!

Hey you guys, this was hilarious. I loved it. We should all be so lucky. Was that actually a G5 he was kicking around? Wow! He's my hero. The courage to do that! If I had a division of these men...

madmax_2069's picture
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no what it really was was a w

no what it really was was a windows machine made him that way and the Mac was so simple to use he didnt know how to use it. i know dos i grew up useing dos untill windows 95

Last seen: 9 years 7 months ago
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That was pretty funny. And h

That was pretty funny. And he did, parody or not, mention a couple of things that are really legitimate gripes.

davintosh's picture
Last seen: 11 years 1 hour ago
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Re: Angst in the open!

Hey you guys, this was hilarious. I loved it. We should all be so lucky. Was that actually a G5 he was kicking around? Wow! He's my hero. The courage to do that! If I had a division of these men...

No, it was a G4 he was swinging around, probably a Quicksilver. And if you watch closely, he was pretty gentle with that machine; he knew that it's worth something. And that iMac; he had to have gutted it before the drop kick. If it still had the CRT in it he would've been on crutches after that stunt!

davintosh's picture
Last seen: 11 years 1 hour ago
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Re: That was pretty funny. And h

That was pretty funny. And he did, parody or not, mention a couple of things that are really legitimate gripes.


Hawaii Cruiser's picture
Last seen: 8 years 1 week ago
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the nutshell

I think the line, "I cut together everything you saw tonight...on a Macintosh," basically said it all.

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wow... return of the dead....

folks, this video has been around for a LONG time, and the guy that made it is a mac user (with a sense of humor, wow!) who made the video on his mac....

as far as the legitamate gripes.... well for one.... the "closing" applications thing... its been a common problem. when i got my Mini, i first installed a Kingston Value Ram 1GB PC2700 RAM stick, that by all specs (and apples system test on the restore DVD) should have worked fine... however.... ALMOST EVERY app i used would just decide to close at any point in time while i was using it and just disappear. and i had kernel panics "out the bum" so to speak.
Of course, i tired of this and bought a 1GB ram stick from OWC and all of those problems vanished. so, if the system isnt set up perfect... alot of those gripes are real.

and real funny!!
lighten up.



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that video is very funny, i s

that video is very funny, i saw it probly 2 years ago atleast. i still laugh at the guy though. i agree half the gripes he said about the OS are wrong but hey its funny.

Last seen: 9 years 7 months ago
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Re: That was pretty funny. And h


The bit about the dragging files from a CD and it not copying (though that's an old OS 9 problem). And having files too close to the dock.

Last seen: 9 years 6 months ago
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What exactly is the "Cloverle

What exactly is the "Cloverleaf" (Obviously Command/Open Apple) period space key combination he's talking about anyway? That's a new one... Command Space opens Spotlight (even though not around at that time).
Maybe he meant Command-Option-Escape to force quit? And also, last I knew... You could force restart a Mac with Command-Ctrl-Power (or by holding the power key down).
I doubt this guy is a Mac user... More like someone with limited Mac knowledge solicited to read a script.

iantm's picture
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It's an oldie, but still amusing

A friend of mine, whom I had given a mac (his first mac ever - a 6100) showed this to me. He was pretty into PCs and stuff, so the mac was a new environment for him. As has been said before, for those who are used to the Windows World, those are legitimate gripes, especially given the era it was made (10.1/10.2, I recall seeing it a few months before 10.3 came around. As for the clover leaf period command. Maybe he was referencing the old "To stop Printing, hold down command and ." that you'd get with printing in the old school system 7 days. By throwing in a really old school thing like that, maybe he was trying to appear like more of a PC user.

D2X's picture
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Hey, maybe he couldn't find anything wrong with them and got frustrated at the thought of not having any probs in a mac ;D, so he started destroyin 'em... Blush

Eudimorphodon's picture
Last seen: 1 month 18 hours ago
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Amazingly old news.

This video has been around for ages. And it's terribly amusing to this day the defensive reaction it causes.

Personally I found it hillarious, because it basically sums up every experience I've ever had with MacOS 8/9. (And it's pretty clear that's what he's making fun of, not OS X.) For a year in 2000/2001 I had a Sawtooth tower under my desk at work which I'd inherited from the (laid off) Webmaster, and after less then a month I resorted to installing LinuxPPC on a second hard disk and using that almost exclusively. Otherwise I couldn't use the machine for more then 20 minutes without crashing to the debugger by doing things like trying to switch applications at what the Mac apparently considered inopertune moments. I'd use Mac-On-Linux to bring up OS 9 in a virtual machine whenever I *had* to get something out of a Photoshop or Dreamweaver document.

(I got uptimes measured in months out of Linux, so it wasn't hardware problems to blame, here. It was all about the OS being a steaming pile of code. Oddly enough I think OS 9 was actually more stable in MOL then it was on the native hardware, so perhaps there was something specific like a lousy video driver making matters worse. Perhaps using MOL counts as "sneaking up on it".)

Anyway. Try laughing at it. Personally I put Mac OS 8/9 into the same "so bad it's funny" box as Windows 3.1 and other "let's pile features onto a fundimentally broken core" OSes, because, well, it was. I'm sure you'd find a video saying something like "The windows... just went away! And there's the C:> again!" hillarious, despite the fact that it'd be years out of date as well.


dankephoto's picture
Last seen: 1 year 8 months ago
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re: so bad it's funny

Uhg. When MOSes 8.x and 9.x were current, what was the state of the opposition? We're talking pre-win2k here, a pretty sorry lot of M$ crap was the mainstream alternative. MOSes 8 and 9 were hella lot better than those, weren't they?

dan k

Eudimorphodon's picture
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Re: re: so bad it's funny

Uhg. When MOSes 8.x and 9.x were current, what was the state of the opposition? We're talking pre-win2k here, a pretty sorry lot of M$ crap was the mainstream alternative. MOSes 8 and 9 were hella lot better than those, weren't they?

To be honest, Windows 9x was a lot more "sophisticated" then Mac OS 8.x or 9.x in a number of respects. In theory at least it had a more robust multitasking model and better memory management. (Mac OS is more reminiscent of Windows 3.0. Or, perhaps, Windows 3.0 is reminiscent of Mac OS.) In practice it was terribly fragile in part because of all the klugdes Microsoft threw it for backwards compatibility with 16 bit code, but... I do give them a little credit for trying. Not much, though. I know all about how easy it was to make a Win9x system "sick" by installing a device driver or something.

There's no comparison if you're talking about Windows NT or 2000. Classic MacOS looks just plain silly by comparison. (Having to allocate memory manually on a per-application basis? And then having to worry about fragmenting it by opening and closing programs out-of-order? Yegads!)



gobabushka's picture
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No offense, but if you mean "

No offense, but if you mean "sophistication" in a sense of the BSOD (see my avatar) compared to the mac's little bomb, then your right. It does show more debug info. But on a mac, the bomb comes up vary rarely compared to the billions of times you have to see the BSOD, and then restart the computer. If you consider that superior, then your right.

PS: I mean no offense by that, but I have very bad views on Microsoft.

BDub's picture
Last seen: 3 years 1 week ago
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Re: No offense, but if you mean "

No offense, but if you mean "sophistication" in a sense of the BSOD (see my avatar) compared to the mac's little bomb, then your right. It does show more debug info. But on a mac, the bomb comes up vary rarely compared to the billions of times you have to see the BSOD, and then restart the computer. If you consider that superior, then your right.

PS: I mean no offense by that, but I have very bad views on Microsoft.

I've had far more little bombs per hour than BSODs. And I've logged a lot of hours with both.

Last seen: 19 years 2 days ago
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older than you think

He's talking about the old OS
pre X

Last seen: 9 years 6 months ago
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I thought the whole 'switcher

I thought the whole 'switcher' ad campaign this makes a parody of was post X? I guess I just don't get the whole thing... It doesn't make sense to make fun of something that's that old.

Am I alone in saying that back in the day my Bondi iMac running 8.6 would never freeze or get slow and have apps hang? It seemed that OS 9 was a downgrade in reliability until 9.0.4 came out... I even found that to be more stable than 9.1+.

jman's picture
Last seen: 8 years 4 months ago
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the Atni ipod site

There is a anti ipod site called www.anti-ipod.co.uk/
it Is funny but so miss informed.

kmoniz5414's picture
Last seen: 18 years 5 months ago
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He is parodying X..............

He yaks about the "Update Icon" bouncing on the bottom of the screen, and going down too far with the cursor and causing the Dock to pop up and be in your way (it DOES do that if you have it set to "Hidden", and yes it is annoying). I don't hide the Dock anymore, but at least you have the option to put it where you want it if it does get in your way (just not on top, that's reserved for the blue apple, also a comment in the video).......

Funny video nonetheless, but I think he's seriously unbalanced.............

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