Im looking for an iBook G4 logic board for a 12" iBook, but in order to widen my search possibilities Im researching what the difference between the 12" and 14" logic boards are.
I know the battery connector differs, but that can easily be resoldered. Form factor looks the same, however what about power requirements? Any other reason why it wouldnt work using a 14" iBook G4 logic board in a 12"?
Thanks for any input.
Wouldn't the dimensions differ? I know the logic board doesn't take up the whole footprint of the machine, but because it has to connect to the side port area, the Airport connector, and the display area, wouldn't the connector spacing on the 12" logic board differ from that on the 14"?
To me they look like they have the exact same form factor. It would also make sence for Apple production wise. Im more concerned about the power circuit, since the batteries output 10.8V for the 12" model and 14.4V for the 14" - so my guess is this does not work. But please prove me otherwise
They look EXACTLY the same judging from pics from
Has anybody done this?