Applefritter: The Gathering

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iantm's picture
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Applefritter: The Gathering

Has anyone thought about planning maybe an Applefritter gathering? A big Applefritter expo of sorts where we get together and do stuff. I know that the bulk of us are scattered about, so how about regional gatherings - like a Pennsylvania/Mid atlantic region applefritter party.

Though, if anyone wants to photoshop an applefritter: the gathering card set similar to the magic: the gathering card sets, that'd be neat to see too. Perhaps a card set with different machines or abandoned projects battling it out. (Mind you I know very little about Magic: The Gathering)

Anyways, just a thought.

Jon's picture
Last seen: 13 years 9 months ago
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ax0n and I have discussed a m

ax0n and I have discussed a midwest AF meet before. There's actully a half dozen or so that are about a half day trip from KC, I think. Anyone else interested?

gobabushka's picture
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South Florida

Who about a meeting in south florida? I remember something was planned like that, but I don't think that it ever happened.

Reverend Darkness's picture
Last seen: 9 years 5 months ago
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This is the problem...

... everybody wants it to be closest to them. It's not a bad thing... it's human nature to want to stay close to your "home base".

I, for one, vote for a centralized location... with a major airport, extensive broadband access, fine arts districts, four major sports teams (two of which know what "playoffs" smells like), and plenty of wide open spaces so's I can get away from some of you freaks after a while...

Dallas/Fort Worth, baby...

Oh, and if you are doing a "Magic: The Gathering" parody with an Applefritter theme, I think you should take high ranked members and make cards for them... Dr. Bob, BDub, Dr. Webster, King Owad, that sort of thing...

C'mon... don't some of you want your own collector's card?

Last seen: 6 years 10 months ago
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Only if I get to choose the p

Only if I get to choose the picture on my card.

Is anybody coming to town for slackword expo?

coius's picture
Last seen: 11 years 2 days ago
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how about Nebraska?

it's the most centralized location (plus I live here :P) but it's got the Qwest center with plenty of stuff going on like concerts. U2 even came here, and so did Greenday, and others.
Geographically speaking, that is the most centralized location for the US.

Jon's picture
Last seen: 13 years 9 months ago
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Actually, [url=http://www.kan

Actually, this is the center of the continental US.

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