After two trips across the world (and even more deadly, 2 years at college), my PowerBook G4 is starting to show its age. I can't help but wonder how busted up one's Mac can be and still be useable. How busted is YOUR main Mac?
Who is the winner in this contest of luck, determination, destructiveness, and above all, being too cheap to buy a new computer?
I'll throw my hat--er, PowerBook in the ring. Every day I use a PowerBook with
-broken external hinge housing [bloody fat korean student stepped on it]
-broken display latch
-broken PC Card slot
-1 broken USB port (other one works though)
-broken left-side AirPort transciever
-chipped display (much worse than a keyboard smudge)
-broken Combo Drive (will not accept any discs)
-last (and probably least), missing a rubber footy thing
Also destroyed but leaving me forced to repair (fear not, I did not pay for these, AppleCare did)
-Hard disk
-Keyboard (broke 3 of them)
Oddly enough, it still has the flimsy ports cover. Odder still, the infamous white paint has not yet chipped.
I used to have a PB 170 that was cracked directly down the middle... and was held together with Gaff-tape (kinda like duct tape, only about $40 per roll). I often wonder what happened to it...
my last ibook went in 14x for repair.
6x for Logic board failure.
1x for keyboard,
2x for DVD/CD-RW drive
2x for HDD Failure (1 complete, other for disc sector read/write failure (it would write to a certain area on the disc, but not read from it))
2x for ethernet going out
1x for Screen light failure (the last time before it was replaced with this iBook G4)
not to mention that I went thru 9 Power adapters, as they would heat up to the point that they burned themselves out
This one so far?
2x for FireWire ports ceasing to work. it happened a 3rd time, But I was able to get it working after I messed around in OF and found out it was corrupted. I let it sit with no power going into the machine at all for 4 days. Then reset the PMU, the NVRAM, and the PRAM
Wow that's pretty bad. Either God hates you or you should really stop typing with a meat tenderizer.
sometimes I feel it's the former. But then I look at all the people God REALLY hates and figure I must not have done enough to tick of God THAT bad.