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So long, computer destroyers. Hope you enjoy the rest of your wonderful fun-filled lives, I'm sure the lack of my f_cking useless pseudo-helpful comments wont be missed.

It's a pity I didn't die of cancer soon enough.

Good f_cking night, I'm not here anymore.

doug-doug the mighty's picture
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Okay, I knew he mentioned he was quitting smoking and feeling tense, but where did this come from????

Did I miss something?

eeun's picture
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Dunno. I went back through hi

Dunno. I went back through his previous posts and responses, and there didn't seem to be anything to warrant this.
So, I'd guess either something happened in PMs, or there's something outside of AF that's given him a bee in his bonnet.
Guess we'll never know.
Good luck, Word03, wherever life takes you.

coius's picture
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I can check

I talk with him thru MSN IM, I can see what's eating at him

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what it looks like......

what it looks like to me is that it is a suicide note

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I agree


I agree with funnyman. Anyone been in touch with this guy?

moosemanmoo's picture
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It seems like it to me as wel

It seems like it to me as well.

word03, please call this number:

That is an australian suicide prevention line. Do yourself and everyone around you a great favour and call it. Things do get better, but you need help to get through it.

coius's picture
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I talked to him last night, he seemed happy. I hope I can catch him tonigt. If I do, I will post back on it. I just know that he is ticked about AF being hacked, spammed, etc... I hope he hasn't done anything drastic. Only time will tell. If I don't catch him within the next few days, maybe you guys will have a better Idea on what to do. I know he works at an applecare center in Australia. He seemed farily happy last night, so I don't know if he is pulling a joke or what

Jon's picture
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Unless otherwise notified, th

Unless otherwise notified, this seems like someone else got ahold of his login or computer.

It'd be a pity to lose another longtime member over something silly, esp. if is just his quitting cigs.

coius's picture
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I called him

I made an international call to apple's center, and got them to transfer me to him. He is ok, but sounds like he needs help. If you read this Word03, It is not just people in the immediate area that care about you, it is people all around the world. Whether it is in America, UK, or any ohter country, this is not the way to do it. It does not stop at that. My heart dropped when i saw that. I have seen suicide happen to much around me. It DOES affect everyone around you. If not, the whole world will mourn. As in this case. You need to get some help. Talk with people. Let them know.
This is not the bottom of the pit, this is going up out of the pit. You are climbing towards the top. Don't slide back down. it just causes too much hurt...

iantm's picture
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I want to help

If there's anything I can do to help, let me know. I can be reached via iChat at iantm@mac.com . Sure, I'm in the U.S., but I know how it goes.

I spent several months in the pit of despair and hopelessness. I was drinking and smoking heavily, and frankly things were not going my way. While doing a google search on ways to do myself in, I found a page that put things in perspective and led to me deciding to go to the hospital. I don't remember what the page was, but to the folks out there with pages for those in despair, thank you. I spent a week in the hospital and through various therapy sessions, things came into perspective. I came out of it stronger. I quit drinking in the process, and made my first attempt at quitting smoking, which only lasted 2 months. On my current attempt, I'm five months in. Quittins smoking is very very very hard, but it's all a matter of will and finding something else to occupy your mind. For me - that's letting my OCD impulses out - compulsive cleaning at times, and such. (my fiancee doesn't seem to mind).

I know that no matter how much pain you may be in, be it physical or emotional, life is worth it all. As hopeless as things may be, things can, and often do get better.

- iantm

Reverend Darkness's picture
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I'm here...

I'm on the other side of the planet (almost literally), but I'm here.

Word, there are several that are willing to help, others that are willing to just listen. I'll start by just listening.

coius's picture
Last seen: 10 years 7 months ago
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any psych majors out there?

from what I gather, this guy has severe psychosis. I don't really know what to do... I am in contact with him, but this going nowhere with me... maybe you guys can help me get him help. Plain and simple, he is in his own little bubble of self awarness, but doesn't realize that there is things to help stabilize this. Knowing and researching about this, phsychosis is often used for schizophrenia, and Bipolar disorder. This can include hullucinations and delusions. I'm afraid that there is nothing I can do and fear by the end of next month....

I just don't want to see this happen, as I have been in almost the same circustances with the delusions and depressions. I have been diagnosed with Aspergers Syndrome, and I was only able to get out of depression that periodically go into with a change of appetite, getting my meds adjusted, and a change of other habits, such as regulating the amount of sleep I get and some other stuff. I have been on this brink before, and I am trying to get him to realize that the only way out of it, is to get help. But he doesn't seem to want to get that. I really could use some suggestions fast, as I am running out of ideas. If anyone in australia might be able to help me get him some help, contact me at pledoux@gmail.com

The Czar's picture
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I'm a Psych Major...

These situations always make my stomach knot....

word03, the best thing for you to do at this point is to seek help. Professional help will be of use, but you might not be ready for that kind of thing yet. Talk to someone. Someone you trust. Whether it be via the telephone, the internet, in person, whatever. Tell this person what it is that's bothering you, spill it all. Don't keep anything back. Most of the time, hearing the problem vocalized will put it in a different light, and make it easier for you to comprehend why it is this is bothering you, and what you need to do to make things better for yourself.

Set yourself realistic goals: Aim to get through each day. Set your sights at a reasonable level so that you can put some accomplishments behind you and start to rebuild what looks like your shattered self esteem. If you fail to meet a goal, (like we all commonly do) realize that it is not a personal failure, but simply a misalignment of resources and requirements. Learn from your mistakes and move on.

Suicide is a form of surrender to whoever erected the barriers in your life. They are only barriers, and they can be removed or altered. Remember: you can conquer anything contrived by mortal minds. Suicide is letting the other guy win.

Fake it till you make it: Seek professional help if you need it. See your physician and get yourself some anti-depressants and a referral to a psychiatrist/mental health professional for cognitive therapy. You do need to know that once you start this regimen, things will get worse before they get better. Your symptoms will *seem* to get worse. This is temporary and very short lived though. This is due to the medication trying to correct the imbalance in your brain. your desires for suicide may increase, but you need to identify these as a temporary side effect of the treatment, and deal with them for the week to 10 days before you begin the road to recovery. It will get better with treatment, you just have to stick with it.

If you ever need to talk, don't hesitate to contact me. PM me on AF or mail me: czarDOTpeterATgmailDOTcom.

Think of those you'll leave behind, think of all those who depend on you. We've all been there before. You'll be a better person with so much more perspective after this is all over, but you've got to get through it to realize those benefits. Please, contact me if you feel the need.

Peter (aka The Czar)

coius's picture
Last seen: 10 years 7 months ago
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An excerpt from my web page...

I am truly saddened by this... My online friend, Wor03 (or Disco Inferno) from AppleFritter, Has been suicidal. I request that everyone pray for him and his guidance. It doesn't matter what faith you are. Just please pray for him. He has A condition that has been plaguing him from birth called "severe psychosis." He is in trouble and I can't get him to get help. He feels hopeless, and I pray to god that he logs on everynight. So far, he has come on. But He is lossing willpower.

I think this is what we can do at this point. And I fear, this is all we can do

Last seen: 18 years 7 months ago
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Re: /end

So long, computer destroyers. Hope you enjoy the rest of your wonderful fun-filled lives, I'm sure the lack of my f_cking useless pseudo-helpful comments wont be missed.

It's a pity I didn't die of cancer soon enough.

Good f_cking night, I'm not here anymore.

Actually, I rather enjoyed your comments. Do come back; the Fritter just wouldn't be the same without you.

Besides, I wanna know how you're doing with your stop-smoking effort!

C'mon, C'mon...

Macinjosh's picture
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I have no degree or anything like that, but I want to post and offer my support and well wishes. None of us here want to lose you at all whether we all post and say so or not. We're here for ya!

So many have offered me someone to talk to when Ive needed it; I only wish to offer the same to you, in the hope that it may help!

-- Macinjosh

coius's picture
Last seen: 10 years 7 months ago
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sad endings

sorry to bring this up, but I just found out that he did end his life. Only a month after posting this, that he ended his life. Such a sad day that I found this out. Please pray for his soul...

iamdigitalman's picture
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another one bites the dust...

damn, that sucks. I have had people around me go suicidal. I myself have had thoughts of suicide. It wasnt easy, but I got thru it, and am now better than ever. This is a sad time for all. my condolinces.

im not a religious man, but I sure do hope he has found peace wherever he is now.

-digital Wink

gobabushka's picture
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That really sucks. I've also had those kind of thoughts, but never thought of acting on it. Does anyone know what made him do this? I am really sorry, and my condolences also go out to the people of AF. Again, I am speechless and sad. It had to be something more than AF being hacked. I just think that we should try to find out just what was eating him sooo bad that he decided to really off himself?

This is a very sad day for AF. I have to agree with iamdigitalman and say that I hope that he is out of misery. Once again I am very sorry that his illness brought him to this. I also hope that this never happens again. My thoughts and prayers go out to him and anyone who knew him. RIP.

macg4's picture
Last seen: 12 years 5 months ago
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man that is sad. poor guy. we

man that is sad. poor guy. well i hope this never happens again on this forum or any other one for that matter

coius's picture
Last seen: 10 years 7 months ago
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He was suffering from severe

He was suffering from severe psychosis. It's hullucinations combined with paranoia. He had mentioned to me that he was going to lose his job due to his condition, and not being able to deal with customers in the Apple repair center that he worked at.

it was just getting worse, and as it got worse, he started drinking to forget about it, and then he just stopped taking his meds altogether. he had very little health insurance, and told me that he was not even able to get into a hospital.

So, this is one of those situations gone wrong. I feel really bad about having to break the news, but I was told over MSN by a relative that logged on to his account, and when I inquired, they said they were going over his stuff and they came across the iMac that hadn't been booted up since.

iamdigitalman's picture
Last seen: 2 years 3 months ago
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Re: He was suffering from severe

He was suffering from severe psychosis. It's hullucinations combined with paranoia. He had mentioned to me that he was going to lose his job due to his condition, and not being able to deal with customers in the Apple repair center that he worked at.

it was just getting worse, and as it got worse, he started drinking to forget about it, and then he just stopped taking his meds altogether. he had very little health insurance, and told me that he was not even able to get into a hospital.

So, this is one of those situations gone wrong. I feel really bad about having to break the news, but I was told over MSN by a relative that logged on to his account, and when I inquired, they said they were going over his stuff and they came across the iMac that hadn't been booted up since.

man, I have read about psychosis, but I never knew it was that bad of a condition. that puts it all in perspective. never knew anybody but him who had it.

oh, and which iMac did they find? was it this one:


or this one:


jus curious.

plus, I think we should make a eulogy for him, or make this thread his eulogy/memorial.

R.I.P. man.

-digital Wink

gobabushka's picture
Last seen: 8 months 3 days ago
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Great Idea!!!!

I think that creating a eulogy for him is a great idea! Seeing as it appears that coius knew him best, i think that maybe he should start, and we all add to it. What do you guys think?

coius's picture
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the one they found was the DV one

he had all of his stuff on it. I Know he had an iBook G3 700 that he put together out of the parts bin in the Apple Repair center (he said he was paying for parts out of his paycheck)

I don't know if I can deliver a eulegy, as I had only talked with him for 4 months on MSN before he did this. I guess we could put it up, but what section?

EDIT: I bet we can make this into a story. But it would have to clear with the Admins

gobabushka's picture
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They probably won't have any problems with this...

I don't think that Tom or DrBob or any of the others will have any problem with us making a story out of this.

BTW: coius, I suggested that u start the eulogy because it just sounded like to me that u knew him best. Its up to u, though. If u don't want to though, it's understandable.

coius's picture
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I might hafta dig up some more stuff

owad asked if I knew anything more than just his first name. I will scour the web tonight and see If I find more

moosemanmoo's picture
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I think a eulogy would be in

I think a eulogy would be in good taste and a respect to his memory. As a psychology student, I can imagine his condition, but his solution was regrettable.

coius's picture
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old AF

does anyone know where I can find the info on his other name disco inferno? Or how about the old AF site to run thru?

Tom Owad's picture
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Given that word03, alias Diso Inferno, is dead, I'm going to block his early account, as well as the one he created yesterday to host images for other forums.

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(Removed sentence here. If you have to say "I hope I don't upset any mods by saying that" then don't say it. Also, please avoid attacking other people. Attack ideas, not people. ~BDub)

(i hope i dont upset any mods by saying that... seems like everytime i speak on here someone gets bent out of shape.. lol Biggrin )

That is seriously messed up!!!

coius's picture
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personally, i am as peaved as all of you.

why would he imitate his sister, to lie to me, and all of us, and then go out of his way to avoid everyone (never seen him on AIM or whatnot during this time. still isn't on).

I am sorta relieved, but don't know whether to hug him, or wring his neck. Right now, i don't care. I have other things to deal with, like school, and the rest of my life...

I certainly don't need his issues

EDIT: I wish him well, but i hope he doesn't pull this again and hurt anyone again.

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Thread locked.

Seeing as this thread has reached its conclusion and can go nowhere useful from here, this discussion is closed.

BTW, gobabushka, you may want to change your signature now.

Topic locked