Bad Apple naming strategy

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coius's picture
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Bad Apple naming strategy

Does anyone know why Apple used a really bad naming scheme for naming Macintosh computers. You would think the 7500 came after the 7300.

cwsmith's picture
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Because Steve Jobs was off do

Because Steve Jobs was off doing the NeXT / Pixar thing?

macg4's picture
Last seen: 12 years 10 months ago
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i personally blame all weird/

i personally blame all weird/bad names or computers themselves on mr. sculley.

Last seen: 16 years 10 months ago
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Shouldn't they be more proper

Shouldn't they be more properly blamed on Herr Spindler?

Krest's picture
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The current names aren't bett

The current names aren't better either.

"I have an iMac."
"Which iMac? iMac G3, G4, G5?"
"iMac G3"
"Revision A, B, C, ..., iMac DV, iMac SE?"
"Or is it an iMac G4? The Desklamp thingy, you know?"
"15", 17", 20", early 2001 or late 2002...?" and so on

Same for PM G4: PCI, AGP, Digital Audio, Gigabit LAN, QuickSilver, MDD...

You'll be surprised how many people don't have a clue what machine they have.
A 7500 is a 7500... you can read it directly off the name tag...

Why the 7300 is newer than the 7500 is a different story.

iantm's picture
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The 7300

I always thought it was the 7300 because it was somewhere between the 7200 and 7500/7600 in terms of features. (Yes, I know it was faster than any factory 7500/7600). The 7500/7600 had video input jacks on the back, the 7200 didn't, and neither did the 7300. In some respects, the 7300 was what the 7200 should have been all along. (I'm not talking trash on the 7200, I had a couple, and fond memories of them).

- iantm

macg4's picture
Last seen: 12 years 10 months ago
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alright u guys are all right.

alright u guys are all right. both old and new names kinda suck. but they are better then the pc world names( like deskpro, optiplex, dimension,net vista,persario, etc.........)

Hawaii Cruiser's picture
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lets start naming!

So what would be some good names for Apple to start using for computers?

coius's picture
Last seen: 10 years 12 months ago
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I prefer the names they use now. like: iMac G5 1.8GHz late 2005. Or PM G4 AGP. stuff like that. Once they hit the G3, it was easier to tell, as they had shrunk the amount of macs that they had in production to a few lines.

It was horrible earlier, as you could not tell what was what. i.e. Performa, LC, Quadra, Centris... And then the numbers Made it confusing, as they were not in a sequencial form

EDIT: at least they got the OS versions right, instead of Mac OS 95, 95b, 95c, 97...

iantm's picture
Last seen: 4 years 48 min ago
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With the current naming scheme, I try to narrow down the range of what the system is. With questions such as : What colour is your iMac? Is there any chrome on your G4? Is there a tray or a slit in the front of your iMac? Oh, your iMac is white - does it have a shiny thing on it?

After spending close to two years doing tech support for AOL, I managed to get the ability to get useful information without torture. Perhaps I should be in the Pentagon. Oh well.

- iantm

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