Screaming for help

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Last seen: 19 years 2 months ago
Joined: Dec 4 2005 - 02:43
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Screaming for help

ok, so, what my dad is saying is"
"Agree, not a good idea to ship the laptop off like that. But agree with her
regarding the Apple Store, they would just wipe and re-install. Need some
place else.

Think best place maybe somewhere like Enter zip code to
see locations. They also operate out of best buy stores in Plano and
McKinney. But think need to take laptop and all OS disks that came with it
by their store in Frisco for this problem. If Jennifer needs data
recovered, could run $250 to $300.

Let me talk to her about what needs to be recovered."
please tell me that im not the only one that thinks that is insame... im feeling saver then before about sending it to coius, but i do not think any one knows any thing about my apple around here. and dose not the geek squad only do PC or mainlu PC. so that would mean they would not have any one knogable enough for this?

Last seen: 11 years 5 months ago
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Well in my opinion, I would r

Well in my opinion, I would rather trust a mac to coius than any major retailer. If its data on the harddrive, the only other real option is to send it to a data recovery professional. These are usually VERY expensive.

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Coius has been posting here a

Coius has been posting here a long time, and has a good reputation here.
I'll vouch for his trustworthiness and abilities.

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Best Buy

I think Best buy only does PC. Mainly for the reason that Mac's use HFS+ (Journaled) and requires a mac to recover the data.
Also, HDD's on the Mac Laptops are not removable without voiding warrenty of some kind, compared to a dell or other laptop that has a removable sled.

As for as data recovery goes, some people have experienced poor reliablity as Geek Squad are not always trained and only go by a sheet on how to recover stuff.
I, on the otherhand, Am always looking for alternatives to recover drives if it is a hardware problem, whereas they only deal with software based recovery and do not look into other ways that could help the recover if said program does not work. Instead, they write it off as Unrecoverable. I have ended up recovering stuff for clients that the geek squad could not recover.
In my experience just talking with some of the geek squad guys, not all of them are even college educated. Instead, they are trained to repeat the same data that is told to them in the little training sessions they get.

Even if you don't go with me, if anything, don't trust the Geek Squad. I just don't think they are knowledgeable as much as other people. Otherwise, they wouldn't be working there Wink

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one more guy that knows his laptops

not to knock coius, who has been very helpful to me over the years, but another excellent resource here at AF who has, I think, somehow gone relatively unnoticed is iantm

We started chatting, uh, a couple months ago... originally due to us having sort of geographically complementary backgrounds... and I can't express how impressed I am with his mad mad skills, espescially concerning Apple G3/G4 laptops. Before shipping anything, I'd send him a PM detailing the symptoms... he may be able to tell you how to fix it with a simple key command (I swear! from the stories I've heard, there are a lot of laptops out there with mysterious problems, some for sale on eBay on the cheap... and all they need is a little reset of some kind... the kind that you don't see documented online) or at least he might be able to tell you what the likely problem is, or the possibilities in order of likelyhood. Seriously, this man has me extremely envious for his knowledge and experience. Then again... most of the heavy-weights here do also.

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well, yeah, but...

the thing is that i do not think i sohuld do this my self, or even try. the things that would have to be done i can not. my labtop is the only apple i have and probably by reading what my dad said, no one here really knows what is good for my apple. the only problem that my parents have with sending it to coius, is that they do not think they get it back

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be not afraid

I was talking about a key-combination on boot... maybe an OF reset(?).

If its done from the keyboard, and doesn't involve taking it apart... can't be too hard (or that dangerous).

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are you talking about

well, i tryed some thing, i believe it was pressing the apple, oppcin, r and p keys and then it would chime three times. is that what you are talking about?

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no... that's zapping the pram

you're gonna have to contact iantm... he knows special tricks. There are at least a half dozen or so other key combos that Apple doesn't document for the user, and I don't know what they are.

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Re: well, yeah, but...

the thing is that i do not think i sohuld do this my self, or even try. the things that would have to be done i can not. my labtop is the only apple i have and probably by reading what my dad said, no one here really knows what is good for my apple. the only problem that my parents have with sending it to coius, is that they do not think they get it back

Their concern is legitimate as laptops are not cheap. coius is a trusted member of this community and is well respected for is technical abilities. I have had several good dealings with him and look forward to many more.

Last seen: 10 years 11 months ago
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Sorry to be a party pooper bu

Sorry to be a party pooper but this whole artical is in the wrong Topic.. Can a moderator move it?

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Last seen: 2 hours 11 min ago
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The party pooper is right. Pl

The party pooper is right. Please only post threads related to the first Apple computer, the Apple I, in the Apple I forum.

Moved to the PPC Macs forum.

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