Misc Peripherals/Hacks pics . . .

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Last seen: 18 years 2 weeks ago
Joined: Dec 20 2003 - 10:38
Posts: 447
Misc Peripherals/Hacks pics . . .

. . . etc.

Check 'em out, if there's any interest, I'll fix up the text from my barracks thread to post here. I've finally started playing around with a digital camera . . . it's my first real digital camera AND my first zoom lens for a still camera . . . now I've got two freakin' cameras that eat batteries.

Bleh! Blum 3 Manual pro-level cameras, fixed focal lengths and hand-held selenium meters ROCK!

. . . but digital/zoom is an awefully conveninet combo for this kinda crap, I'll grant it that! It was an impulse clearance purchase, quite inexpensive as compared to film/processing/photo-CDs too, even with the added cost of a pile of NiMH AAs and a charger. (cheapos from Odd-Lot)

jt Wink


DrBunsen's picture
Last seen: 10 years 8 months ago
Joined: Dec 20 2003 - 10:38
Posts: 946

Yep, I'd love to see some text on a few of those hacks.

Last seen: 18 years 2 weeks ago
Joined: Dec 20 2003 - 10:38
Posts: 447
Re: Interested

Yep, I'd love to see some text on a few of those hacks.

Actually, there are only two hacks in that particular album. The KBD/TrackBall hack is still in the acquisitions stage, no definite plans yet. The other one was one of the first threads here on AF 2.0, but here's the MLA post's .txt as is.

Asante MICRO EN/SC -> EN/SC-10T . . .

. . . erm Hack :?

. . . ongoing . . . kinda . . . : ::)





We were troubleshooting ENSC/2300c problems over on 'fritter . . . coulda sworn I'd had mine working. Turns out the EN/SC does appear to be incompatible with the PPC 2300c, however it also appears that the EN/SC-10T [i]is compatible![/i]

Hence, the ongoing deconstruction project, I got so frustrated I started choppin' components off, while only testing for 2300c compatability after each . . . component removal.

I stopped, figuring I needed to use a 68k Duo as a control to establish ANY compatability/functionality of the vivisection victim.

HEH! :ebc:

The EN/SC is the one on the left in all pics, BTW. There are some ICs and SMT ZITS to be popped off that POS yet, but I've got to set up better testing procedures.

jt Wink

p.s. here's the 'fritter linkage.


p.p.s. here's the related hack thread with more details: Duo_Internal_10bT_Hack®

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