Upgrade 12" iBook display

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Upgrade 12" iBook display

Hi there,

I’ve got an 12

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at best it probably won't work, at worst . . .

it might fry your logic board. While LVDS is a standard of sorts, all bets are off once you stray from the parts' original specs. Even identical connectors can disguise alternate pinouts. While that's unlikely with identical spec panels, the odds of encountering dangerous variations increases when you mess with significant variations.

Best bet is to locate the spec sheet for each panel. If the interface pinouts are identical, give it a go. Even then it probably won't work, but at least you won't destroy any hardware in the attempt. If it does work, you'll have pioneered along an exciting new path. Make sure you post your results here!

dan k

iantm's picture
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iBook Resolution Factors

With the 12" iBook G4, you have two things working against you. One can be modified easily, the other - well, not practically. The Radeon Mobility 9200 can support higher resolutions, this is true, however it is locked down in Open firmware so that it will only do 1024x768. Also, thee lcd is only specd to do 1024x768. You would probably need a new lvds controller + lcd + lvds cable to do a higher res, and by that point, you may as well have bought a 15" PowerBook (that's what I did). The firmware hack can easily be googled, and is an easily reversible item so that you don't void your warranty. The hack will enable display spanning and higher resolutions on the second display.

- iantm

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Re: iBook Resolution Factors

The firmware hack can easily be googled, and is an easily reversible item so that you don't void your warranty. The hack will enable display spanning and higher resolutions on the second display.

Screen Spanning Doctor

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Progress made...

Thanks for your feedback.

I managed to track down the data sheets for both panels, with the hope that the interfaces would at least be similar - however it turns out they're significantly different.

From what I read, the XGA Samsung panel uses a 1 channel LVDS interface, whereas the SXGA+ Toshiba panel uses 2 channels. What that means I don't really know, but I figure it's got something to do with the higher resolution.

This leads me to think I'll definitely need a new controller card - but then how would I connect this to my motherboard?

One (crazy) idea i had would be to channel it through my VGA output, and treat the display like an external device. Would that be possible?

Any further comments would be appreciated.

iantm's picture
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Re: Progress made...

Thanks for your feedback.

This leads me to think I'll definitely need a new controller card - but then how would I connect this to my motherboard?

Any further comments would be appreciated.

You would need a new controller, but given the design of the iBook G4's logic board, there's no way you're going to add it without having the wiring schematics for said board. Best of luck.

- iantm

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