I have successfully done it! I have a G3 300MHz CPU in my AIO running at 400MHz!!! The cache is running at 200Mhz and the system bus is running at 66.7MHz.
before I achieved this, I accidently clocked it to 417MHz on an 83.3MHz FSB. and the L2 cache was even running at 275MHz! However, the thing crashed shortly after. But now it is clocked back down to 400. Sadly, the cache will not go higher than 200MHz at this setting.
On a side note, my AIO now plays DVD's using VideoLan client in OS X 10.3 All this on an AIO Running at 400MHz and having only 2MB VRAM! The DVD's run flawlessely even when dong software de-interlace. The first thing I had playing on it, was Red vs. Blue DVD 3. In fact, it is still going right now.
I have achieved ultimate Geekdom!
This is a 50% speed increase! and it runs perfectly stable!
Just quick question. That CPU is out of a B&W G3?? and it has 512k Cache. Now if I may The 300MHz CPU that originally came in the beige G3 has a 1meg cache would that not be a little faster due to the bigger cache if over clocked to 400MHz??. BTW I have several of the 4meg vram chips for the gossamer logicboard to give you a total of 6meg vram
and bought the CPU without knowledge of what machine it came from. The guy on eBay could not say what it was from. I just wanted a faster machine than the 233 it had in it. I had the 233 running at 280Mhz for a while. Then what I got the new card, I immediatly clocked it to 366. It was unstable at the FSB it was at. So, I clocked it to 350.
I had the idea to put the dvd drive from my PC in the AIO, and tried to see if it would work. It kept up somewhat, but I really to give it the *Uumf* so it could play it. And I slowely clocked it up.
I accidently clocked it too high thinking that I was doing 375, but found it was doing 413! After that, i decided to put it at 400. It has been running for an hour at that. And under heavy loads, it works great!
I will keep you updated as to how it keeps up, and if there are any problems. Finally, I can do more than just play music and do web browsing. I can actually play movies! and now ALL my Divx Movies work!
Can you give the grissly details on what model DVD you installed and what is VideoLan Client.
I have an AIO that I installed a G4 zif. It is running as a G4 400mhz with 1meg backside cache.
Also I couldn't get my cache up to 1 meg without this file: G3-G4 Cache Profiler 1.4b2.sit
Do a google for it and check it out if it is needed for your install.
VideoLan Client is a media player for OS X Videolan Client
and as far as the profiler, does that work in OS X? I don't think it does...
The DVD-Rom is an LG DVD drive, it's generic, but it does the job. It doesn't require any extra drivers, as it is not a writer.
nice job on the overclock.
did you use any software for the overclock? or did you use just jumpers? i am curious because of mine being an upgrade G4, i dont think that changing my jumpers will make mine faster...
the only thing that was touched
the machine has now been running for over 12hrs, and no problems
I now have it running at 458MHz! this baby just keeps dishing it out!
that thing has got to stomp my g4 500mhz in every way possible. thats just nuts for an overclock.... keep us posted!!
it won't do 366MHz, nor 413, nor 420, but it will do really insane speeds of 458? I have no idea what the CPU is thinking. This thing is surprisingly stable. Not one crash! I am now encoding DVD's with it. This thing rocks!
makes me wonder what i can get my aio 350 up to haha
if you take the plunge, that you can get another CPU. In my case, If I pushed the system too hard, it won't chime. Then i know it won't work. But I haven't harmed the system. Also, you will want a Heatsink with a Fan on it. I have my Fan hacked onto a molex "pass-thru" connector between my PSU and the cable to the HDD/CD/ZIp devices.
I don't think you will hurt anything, just as long as you bump it up slowely. I am pretty sure you will be able to bump it up past 400 easily.
well ive got an extra CPU and ive had this one in my old B&W up to 400mhz before so im pretty sure it will do that ok. but like you said with yours its very unstable at certain speeds, yet faster at a high speed.. i wonder how much of this happens with a 350..... im not even afraid to kill this machine trying this because i never use it.. i cant get it to instal osx without blacking the screen out and then i have to go through a ton of crap to get it back. so OS9 it is. it would be funny if it went faster then my G4 though. could you send me info on the jumpers for the beige boards? i think its a tiny bit different then my B&W stuff.
edit: Heck, ive got a 300mhz i could try doing what you do LOL..
if you use xpostfacto, you have to make sure that "Use NDRV" is checked and "Verbose mode" is, but nothing else! You will need the recent version too!. Also, a big help I found, is that everytime you go back to OS 9, It will screw it up, unless when you open XPostFacto, you go to the menu and select "Install Everything" And then reboot immediatly
After you install the first dvd, hold down the "option key" to go to OS 9, then into XPost. Once you get into it, do the "Install Everything" again, and restart. That will take you to the installer again, where you will put in the 2nd CD
what rev board do you have? It seems that the Rev A board does not want to install OS X
Just reading your posts with amazement at how much you're squeazing from that G3.
I'm intruiged that you say you can play DVDs smoothly with VideoLan, this sounds a great acheivement! I had a Beige G3 tower which was upgraded with a Sonnet G4 700Mhz and that could never play DVDs smoothly in VideoLan or decode digital tv.
Are there any tweaks you've made to your software at all, above tweaking the hardware side of things that may be giving it a nice speed boost?
ive had my 350 g3 playing DVD's with osx before and it was fine.
Recently, this board has attracted my interest. I happened across one in the graveyard at work. Readying it for surplus, I opened it up just to see (its a beige desktop). First of all... I couldn't believe how small it was (which is why I was asking in another post what the dimensions were... got a link, but couldn't find any exact numbers... if you know, please share). The second thing I noticed was the multiple hard drive buses. 2 ATA connections, and one scsi. nice. (So... can 4 ATA drives be connected, 2 to each bus?) ZIF processor connection? easy peazy. I can live with 768MB max ram... 3 PCI slots for a better network connection... and what the heck is this Perch business?
Anyway... as soon as I clear some stuff out, my next series of projects will likely involve this neato board.
the ability to have 2 hdds on one ide chain in a beige is up to what rom version its in it. the rev A rom cant use a slave/master setup on the same ide cable, the rom's b & c roms can use a slave/master setup on the same ide chain. I hope its a rev b rom and a rev 2 logic board
A DVD playing on a B&W is probably different to a stock Beige G3, as the B&W machines often shipped with a Rage 128 card, which assists with DVD-decoding, taking the strain off the CPU.
However, on the Beige machine as the onboard graphics card is only a Rage IIc/Rage Pro, it would be the G3 CPU which is doing all of the work. Hence, having a faster CPU on the beige would enable DVDs to be played. However, I could never get software-only (videolan) decode working even with a G4 upgrade.
I have read on forums that the rage 128 with decoder card wont work on the beige cause it requires a 66mhz pci bus speed witch the beige only has a 33mhz pci bus. now the ati radion 7000 pci Mac edition will play dvd on a beige if you download apple dvd player 2.7 or a older version, tombview to extract and install the files and the patch so it will run on a beige. ive read even thow you have the rage 128 with the dvd decoder card it still wont work even the patched version cause of the 66mhz bus requirement that the rage 128 has cause it came out on the B&W Mac
that would explain why my ati 128 didnt work in the AIO! i see what you are saying. even though the 128 isnt supported by os9 for playback of dvd's it is in OSX? ant it does help alot being 8 times larger then the rage 2 heh.
I am curious about what this could mean fot Rev A iMacs.
In the interest of not derailing or hijacking this thread ( and congratulations to coius on the hack! ), I have started a new thread:
So can you take a Rev A iMac that high?