yepp, i've lost it yet again..
i've decided that i want to experiment w/ MAC OS *at least 9*
on my homegrown pc, lovingly named chipmunk,
but anyways, i want to put in a 3rd hdd, use it as the mac os, the 1st as the XP os *microsoft*, and the 2nd as a common hdd between the both,
1. i need an emulator that will suppot AMD XP 2500
2. i need a copy of macos 9
also, will it support most of standard motherboard hardware, or do i need to download certain drivers.???
thanx for the help
some call me a crazy drummer freak, i'd call them rite! O.o
On a PC, the only thing you're going to be able to emulate is a 68k, which limits you to 8.1.
And Mac emulators are a total pain to set up (just the base, to get the internet running on it is twice the pain), even if you've done it 4-5 times. Not to mention they're quite problematic when running.
And you heve to have a real 68k mac, to run a program to get a ROM image from it.
how do i go about getting a rom image, wait, why do i need that, i'm so lost, can u xplain in more deatil?
Apple owns the copyright to all MAC Rom images. To leagly have a copy of a rom image you need to own the actual rom chip's. For a emulator to work you need a rom image.
Start here on this clickable link and read about Basilisk ii and a few other Mac emulators (bottom of page for reading material).
There's no such beast as a Windows based Mac PowerPC emulator, so as Cruller posted, OS 8 is a high as you're going to get.
If you're persistent enough, you can probably find a ROM image through Google.
Basilisk is the most developed emu for running Mac on Windows. With a little work it'll allow CD and Network access, and works with large-size images, so there's no need for a separate drive. It also allows mounting of Win partitions - though a little unreliable occasionally - so you can share files between the two.
Once you've read all that, you should be in fine form to set it up on your system.
...and I've completely resisted the urge to make any drummer jokes;)
Aaarch! Smiley and link buttons aren't working for me again, and you yanks don't spell 'centre' properly!!!
Another thing: mac emulators on newer PCs tend to be quite fast.
BasiliskII is almost too fast to use on my home-built athlon 2500 PC (lovingly not called any name). Perfect on my celeron 766, mind you.