rummelaio with another osx issue

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rummelaio with another osx issue

ok so its not stupid this time...or at least i hope...

i decided to finlly load panther fully onto my beige g3. but i have a problem. i have had panther on there with xpostfacto, i have had jaguar on there i have had puma on there. but becuase of equipment issues i had to go back to os9. had os9 for about a year now. i want panther back on. so here goes:

i start the process by inserting the osX.1.4 disc and try to start that way. it freezes.
i startup from an os9 disc and partion the drive, then put the x.1.4 disc back in. grey screen to x's happy mac then all that dobble-d-goop. looks like openfirmware script or whatever. i have never messed with openfirmware.
i zap the pram and try my x.2 disc. just a frozen grey screen.
i try the x.1.4 disc and all that goop comes back.

i tried the pram several times (not too many though), i tried to hld down the option key...both those worked the first time i had trouble when loading osx. i am bumfuzzled. i tried all night to get it working, but ended up putting os9 back on.

what do i do. oh yeah os9 is now on a non-partitioned disc. i have OWC G4 500 zif upgrade / 384 ram / 20gb hd / a usb\fire and usb card still in the slots. should i take the cards out to load. when i get home i thoink that will be my next try. but it has never been this hard. especially since i had loaded x.1.4 on a g3 mobo and parts without a case just the other day. no probs with that install. just on my main AIO.

please help.

peace and love

catmistake's picture
Last seen: 2 years 11 months ago
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L2 cache switch

Make sure the XPostFacto L2 cache enabler is off... it is very unstable for Panther.

Last seen: 6 years 6 months ago
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Posts: 89
panther, not there yet

i am rying to get puma or jaguar on first so i can use my panther upgrade disc. i dont have a full panther disc.

should i try xpostfacto for even puma or jaguar? becuase let me know. i have an idea, i want ot try all the simplest attempts first. my big idea is to just switch the mobos. if one did load i should replace it fully. but that is a lot of work. what if i just switch the rom chips...could i have fried something in the rom?

still at a loss untill i get home at 6:00pm eastern.

peace and love

kmoniz5414's picture
Last seen: 18 years 2 days ago
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Jag (10.2)........

.......SHOULD run on a Beige G3 *WITHOUT* any helper apps, but you may have slow video display with any Radeon cards (video will come on about the same time X finishes booting)......

If you have had X on that drive at one time, and not reformatted, there may still be leftover files that can cause havoc with X re-installs...

To run Panther, you WILL HAVE to use XPostFacto........


madmax_2069's picture
Last seen: 13 years 10 months ago
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you can always turn off the o

you can always turn off the onboard video in open firmware wich forces it to use the pci video card.

if you want to know how to disable the onboard video in Open firmware
first you need to get into open firmare by holdind command-option-o-f at start chime

then type
setenv pci-probe-list fffbffff (press enter/return)

then type
printenv pci-probe-list (press enter/return)

you should get the following

pci-probe-list -40001 -1
0 >

If you see this then type
reset-all (press enter/return)

now the onboard video should be disabled and will start useing the pci video as default

Last seen: 6 years 6 months ago
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Posts: 89
wanted to stay away from jaguar

the last time i loaded jaguar on one of my machines, it almost died. it was like jaguar was overloading everything. you could smell plastic getting hot which was odd at first and just as i was about to shutit down, the burning smell came and then i quickly unpluged. luckily nothing important was damaged, i think. there is no visible burn stains on the board but the cd never worked again. i replace all cables, and wiped the hd clean and loaded puma. everything was fine. but all the other times with jag werent as horrific. that just wouldnt load or load and then never startup.

but i have done the 9.2 with x.1 and then xpostfacto'd x.3 all was fine but my equipmant was compatible. so now i have thought long and hard and am selling my 9-only equipment and just going to x.3 again. thats when this thread started. the loading wasnt happening.

it is loaded and running
what i did:
1. put in mobo i know has loaded x without anyproblems
2. changed the jumper on hd from single drive to master (i think this was the main issue because after i changed th jumper osx loaded form the disc. but puma wouldnt boot after load and then in 9, the puma disc wasnt even mounted so i added a 2nd hd)
3. rearrnged the entire insides to fit two hd (master and slave all booting and mounting issues were eliminated)
4. zapped pram with keybaord
5. booted from 9.2.2 disc and loaded on slave
6. booted x.1.4 disc and loaded on first partition (2nd partition will be my portfolio)
7. installed xpf 3.1 and booted x.3 upgrade disc
9. after 15 hours and having to go through x.3's optimizing for three diferent loads:
-load one lost all built-in video, dont know why, pci radeon worked fine.
-load two was damaged by x.3.9 combo update (errors and then was never able to
boot again (optimizing really starting to annoy the hell out me).
-load three finally works. i am tired. i stayed up and didnt sleep till done.
10. now trying to find a new copy of x.3.9, i think the one i downloaded and just corrupt. i had to skip the verify step to get to installer. the cheksum had errors. it might have been my fault.
11. need display adjustment utility or screen adjustment utility. the built-in mon starts at the wrong profile and i have to open mon prefs to fix each time i restart or boot.
12. need a usb floppy now.

i think i will stay in X, i have a solution for my epson 3000, and i have a lexmark scanner/printer thing.

peace and love

ps, if anyone has the display utilities, please sned it my way. i cant find it and when i do, i cant download it.

madmax_2069's picture
Last seen: 13 years 10 months ago
Joined: Sep 24 2005 - 07:28
Posts: 664
yea i have the DAU for the AI

yea i have the DAU for the AIO but i think its for os 9.x but it will set it. nomatter what you boot the screen will be the same size as what you set

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