Contiki questions

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Last seen: 19 years 3 weeks ago
Joined: Nov 21 2005 - 00:14
Posts: 12
Contiki questions

I have been going over the Contiki page, and I have a couple of questions.

First, how do you actually get a bootable disk with the OS on it for the apple II? I know how to make real disks out of .dsk images, so that isn't the issue. What I need to know is how you get a bootable .dsk image in the first place. Obviously, you download the apple version of the cc65 compiler, but how do you turn the compiled files into a bootable .dsk image on the PC end?

Second, does anyone know if you gan get online with Contiki over an Apple II/PC null modem connection, or do you have to have one of the new ethernet cards? If it's possible with the null-modem connection, how does one go about setting this up?

I went over the docs on the Contiki website, but they were a bit technical for me. Any help would be appreciated!

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I hope this helps

This page seems to have bootable DSK images:

I booted contiki40pri.dsk with AppleWin The Contiki operating system works (except that the web browser says out of memory.) I don't see where to choose a serial card (PPP.) I only see the Uther ethernet card in the configuration program. There is a driver file for LanceGS as well. The contiki40pri.dsk disk image is Prodos 1.1.1. Boot Prodos in drive 1, insert the contiki40pri.dsk disk type CAT which will show the files on the disk.
To show the contents of a Prodos disk in drive 2 type:

I think that these are the driver files for the supported ethernet cards:

Those Uther ethernet cards are US$89 but it says: "Both supported ethernet cards require at least a 6502A CPU" (in an Apple II+.)

Are you downloading source code which may include support for a serial interface card?

Last seen: 19 years 3 weeks ago
Joined: Nov 21 2005 - 00:14
Posts: 12
Thanks. That answer's my ques

Thanks. That answer's my question. I guess I need to track down an A2 ethernet card. Maybe one of those Uthernet things that I read about awhile back. I appreciate the help.

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