From Slashdot, it says that the Canadian SC has ruled that Mega Blocks can continue to sell their blocks in Canada.
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So how do you feel about this decision, Jon? Are you glad that the Canadian Supreme Court said ixnay on the monopoly? Or, do you think that the judges are thick as a brick (pun intended) for not allowing Lego to enjoy a rather ridiculous monopoly?
I say that the decision is a victory for consumers and for free enterprise. Long live healthy competition!
Silly Lego, "look & feel" litigation didn't work for Apple, why would you think that it would work for you?
The patents are expired, they didn't even come up with the "bumps on a brick" idea, and they tried to make it all a trademark claim on a "mechanical feature"? I'm pretty darn happy they lost.
I'm glad they lost too. I'm a big proponent of competition. I love's the competition...
Although, I'll have to plead ignorance on this one. I didn't even know that toy blocks were before the Supreme Court.
So does that mean that we still have to call the :ebc: smiley ebc?
Warning: This post contains an attempt at humour. The attempt at humour immediately follows this warning and can be identified by the wink symbol immediately following the attempted humour. End of warning.
Nope! We can call them Mega Bloks!![Wink](