Hi all,
I'm trying to transfer some older mac system files from my PC to my mac plus. I have a din-8 to db-9 cable to connect the two, HyperTerminal on the pc (Windows 98), and I'm using the communications feature in Microsoft Works 2.0 and am using system 6.0.8. I connected them and transferred a file to a blank disk in the computer. It was slow as molasses, but seemed to go off without a hitch. When I downloaded it, I used the option of xmodem data on the plus, and xmodem on the PC However, when I went to go open the file, it tries to open it with microsoft works, but won't because I know its not a works document. I want to get this to work, because I don't have a superdrive on the 800k mac plus. If anyone can help figure this out, please help. Thanks very much in advance.
the best way is to e-mail your self the files you want to transfer if the mac plus is able to get on the net.
You Send it
I don't have the mac plus hoooked up to the internet. I'm trying to transfer them through the serial cable, but I guess it's a bit harder than I thought.
Do you have the option of Y or Z modem transfers? Those should have CRC so that errors in transmission should be found and fixed. Also, are you transfering archives of programs, or just files such as text and pictures?
Your comm program on the Mac might have some feature to assign the correct resource ID to tie in files woth Word/whathaveyou.
I do have options for Y and Z modem transfers on the pc, but on the
plus, I just have the options of macbinary, xmodem with something in
parentheses, and an xmodem data transfer. I'm trying to transfer some
system software disks (6.0.8) from the apple website. I extracted it on
the pc, and sent that to the plus. When I went to go open it, it was
showed as an Xmodem file that was a MS works document. I don't know
what to do. I don't have any other macs to transfer it with. Thanks
for the help, and please, keep it coming.
The files here from Apple.com are in .sea.bin format, ie. Self Extracting archives that have been encoded in Macbinary format. Thus, you simply download the .sea.bin floppy images to the PC, do
extraction, and transfer them to the Plus with the MacBinary option. I'm not sure what format to use for the PC, but some sort of plain sending such as sending it as plain text might work. The Plus will automatically decode the .bin part and leave a .sea file on the HDD. Then you just double click the .sea and it should crate a useable disk image which you can then make floppy disks from with Disk Copy.
It works PERFECTLY! Thanks SO much for all of your help. I really
appreciate it. Keep on rocking!