I dug up a beige mac today, hooked it all up and turned it on. Ok, os9. I the popped in my Jaguar cd not remembering the incompatability... and i heard it spin up the cd, but now I can't see anything on my monitor while the beige boots. Any help with this would be appreciated, as I'm sure this is a well documented problem whose solution eludes me on google
Sometimes it may take a while for the screen to come on during boot after a straight boot attempt of X. I've been lucky with booting to Open Firmware and using "set-defaults" and "reset-all". A PRAM reset might help if you can't get OF. Last night I installed X.2 onto a G3/300MT. I started with a plain install of 9.0. Then I stuck the X.2 disc in with the system running in 9. Open the disc, run the "Install OS X" or whatever it was called. THat sets a few things in OF and reboots the system. It should start to install fine from there.
My target was: G3/300MT, Rev 2 mobo (Rage Pro), Rev. B ROM (4571), 128MB RAM, 6Gb disk.
you also should try typing init-nvram (its the same as typing reset-nvram on a newer mac) in open firmware on the beige cause reset-nvram on a beige does nothing. also try and reset pram by holding the command option p r keys during 2-3 start sounds.btw does the reset-all command in open firmware reset the pram
"reset-all" is to reboot.
the reset-all is just another way to reset pram for newer macs it does nothing to the open firmware now init-nvram does do you know what reset-nvram does , the same thing as init-nvram in an old mac it resets the open firmware
From: http://www.netbsd.org/Ports/macppc/faq.html#ofw-use
It doesn't wipe anything out, it just saves and reboots.
i was saying it dont do the same thing that init-nvram does i was having the problem on my beige and typed in reset-nvram and all it gave me was unknown word then i was told that older mac didnt use reset-nvram it used init-nvram.all i was saying somthing like init-nvram then set-defaults then reset-all
but cool no hard felings i was wrong
but thanks for the link it just might have helped me to fix the problem i have i looked at where it sait can't open and it say's that cause it cant find what it needs to load or info in O.F isnt done right only if i had all the info to put into open firmware to make it see the osx 10.2 instalation and what file it needs to be pointed at cause i can get threw disk one but cant boot from the hdd to install disk 2 it always reboots to a white screen saying can't open if i could find someone that could help me i would be set
No hard feelings intended.
It was just a matter-of-fact reply. The link is not seen by many MacOS only users because they don't really think about looking on strange OS sites for info about their Mac.