I had a question for anyone that can help me with it. My inlaws bought a mac from some people, so they had being try to hook up internet to it but coudnt so a few days later all of the suden some folder pop up when they turn it on.. so now you cant do anything all it is some folder in the middle of the screen with like 2 flashing faces and a question mark? not sure what that means or what to do to fix it if anyone had any idea that would be really appreciated it. thank you.....
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You probably need to use a "Software Restore" disk (or multiple disks) that came with this computer. Put disk #1 in the CD drive after the computer tries starting up. Turn the computer off. Hold down the "c" key on the keyboard (making sure that it is attached to the computer) and turn the computer back on (hold down the "c" key the whole time). Then folllow the on-screen instructions to re-install the system software. Good luck.
No offense, but wasn't this issue already addressed in another thread? I'm pretty sure that somebody advised you to use the {command}{option}{f} and {o} key combination while rebooting.
The reason that you are getting this icon is that your Machine is trying to boot from a system folder that is not located where it's supposed to be or does not exist at all. Because these Macs load most of their ROM from a file in the system folder, the open firmware expects the system folder to be in a particular place. If the system folder is not located where it's supposed to be, you get that icon.
[quote=managed resistance
No offense, but wasn't this issue already addressed in another thread? I'm pretty sure that somebody advised you to use the {command}{option}{f} and {o} key combination while rebooting.
yeah they told me how to do that but when we put the floppy that it came with the same folder stays and nothing happens! even after i hold down those keys. than you can't take out the floppy. and like i said before thats why im here to get help beacuse I know nothing about, MACS!! NO offense to you, and no my issue was NEVER ADRESSED! thats why im still askinf for help! did that answer your questions thank you!
First of all, that's not a floppy drive. It's called a ZIP drive, and they are not the same thing as floppy drives. In fact, putting a floppy disk in a ZIP drive will most likely damage both drive and disk.
The computer you are talking about came with a CD that said software restore. You put that in the computer and then hold down the letter c on the keyboard while you're turning it on. It will start to boot from the CD now. Don't release the c button until it starts booting.
Your computer does not have a floppy drive. Even if your computer did have a floppy drive, you do not have a computer that can boot from a floppy drive; your computer will not boot an OS that is small enough to fit on a floppy disk.
Toss the floppy disk; it will do you no good.
Use your fingers to simultaneously hold down the four keys indicated previously, {Command}, {Option}, {F}, and {O}. It will probably require that you use both hands to hold down these four keys. While you are holding down these four keys, have somebody else press the power button on the Macintosh to start it up. Do not take your fingers off of the four keys until a white screen appears. Once this white screen appears, proceed with the instructions provided in the other thread.
Thank you,I wasn't sure on what to call it I just knew it looked like a floppy somewhat. I didn't know that It was going to be such a big deal if I didn't use the correct name, but anyways it's not a floppy beacuse it says zip on it last night when I read it I notice that it said zip. So my mistake. But when we put it in the zip drive you can't take it out it like gets jam or something so should I put it or just leave it out and than hold down those keys? thank you all very MUCH. MWAHHH!!!!!!!!!
You do not want a zip disk in the Zip drive when you startup. If it is in the Mac, hold down the mouse button (or press on the whole mouse) when you start and the Zip should eject.
oh ok thank you SO MUCH..
You can get information about the New World ROM that was introduced with the iMac, you can read New World ROM
To get information about the computer that you have, you can read Macintosh G3 (B&W)
Enjoy! These links won't be working for very long...
I did the command option f,o, thing and than aftere i typed the second line it said, mac-parts: load (noninterposed)not support load-size
adler32=1 so what does that mean that the computer is trash lol just kidding now i have no idea what to do the lady gave him a cd that when i put it in nothing happen and a zip disk but i guess that was like her old picures. so thats all she really gave him. thank you.
The fact that you got the the Open Firmware prompt and were able to enter a command means that the computer is functional and might have a chance of working, but might need a new install of the system software. Congratulations on getting to that prompt, as most people would have given up long ago.
At the prompt, you might try:
And see if it will start. It likely won't. You could also try to reset most of the settings in OF using these commands, one at a time:
After you enter the reset-all, the machine should reboot itself and try to start up. Others may have advice to try before you reset the OF settings, but it might be worth a shoit if nothing else seems to work.
Of course, much of this advise is assuming tht there is still good System Software on the hard drive. Has anyone opened the machine and messed around with the cables or anything? If so they might have accidentally (or unknowingly) unplugged the hard drive. If anyone has been inside the machine I'd ask and see what they did, as all this work at the OF prompt may be for nothing if the hard drive isn't even plugged in.
thank you so much for your reply, I will try to do what you said and no none has open the inside.I know that he was messing with the cables from the back like unpluging them and stuff but not like the inside of the modem.If thats what its called lol, thank you..
I just found this thread and find it a bit humorous. Is this for real? I suspect you've all been had by an imposter. How could this princess even have the ability to find this site? And I find her creative use of the English language inconsistent. But I could be wrong. The baseball cap makes a nice touch. We're a long way from April.
Get a copy of OS X (10.3) and not 10.4, as it will not run on it right off. Go to ebay or maybe a second hand local mac store. You can even talk to a person at the local computer store (Make sure they are apple certified.) and they will steer you to a copy of 10.3 (you can also tell them you are looking for "Panther". same thing). They might be able to hook you up with a copy. If you look around for mac OS X .3 on any mac specific sites that is for sale, you can get it there. But you will most likely not get the machine up and running without a decent Operating System. Your Operating System on the machine is most likely corrupt (I can tell from all the stuff you have tried, and has not paid off) and will either need to be reinstalled, or just get a more up to date copy. Do you know how much ram is in the machine?
If you do not think it has 128 megabytes or more, look for OS 9 (or classic, as it is sometimes called) do NOT look for OS 8.6 unless it is the original install discs. Because apple has set a limit on the bottom OS Version it can run, most likely, a off the shelf CD won't work with
the machine, even if it is the same version. This is because apple Uses enablers again. If you need some help, and Have MSN Messenger, you can contact me at coiuspcrepair@hotmail.com, and I will give you a rundown of what you will need and some links as to where you can get it.
Me thinks you need to be a little more tolorable with this. I have had people come to me not knowing what a floppy is, or let alone how a computer works. These people just do the point and click method. In other words, the only interaction they have is to move the mouse, and click the left or right buttons. You would not be surprised how many people know nothing about computers. I work with these people everyday, and they really do not know much more than flipping a switch to turn it on (no offence princess).
I really think that she is having problems with the machine, and that she IS for real. Trust me, people still talk like this on the net. 'tis sad that the net culture has grown into nothing but "WTF's?, LMAO's, and ROFL's" It is too overused and sometimes I find myself using them.
Well, if she is for real, then she certainly has a lot of tenacity and deserves a lot of credit for just getting here and for the uphill attempt. This thread is almost surreal to read.
Have you looked into a local Mac Users Group?
Perhaps someone there may be able to give more hands-on assistance. They often alos have special interest group (SIG) for switchers and new Mac users. What are of the world are you in?
She has the ability to get on the internet, find this site, join this site, POST her crooked baseball hat picture, use pliers to remove a zip disk "but" can't figure out she needs to reinstall an operating system.
Can you say "hook, line and sinker".
Princess you got all these people "hook, line and sinker" but it's not April yet.