Atari HappyDance!

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Last seen: 17 years 8 months ago
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Atari HappyDance!

It's the most wonderful time of the year. And, after the social event of the summer, school will soon be back in session.

And for that, I got an Atari 2600, paddles, joysticks, and about 45 games in a local rummage sale. However, it doesn't want to work. Here is what I've figured out:

*I've been using the wrong voltage; it takes 9v, not 12.

*I may be using the wrong polarity, though I'd have to look again.

*I need to find (actually, I have now) a *manual* RF switch.The 2600 doesn't make enough of a signal to trigger an automatic switch, like the Nintendo's

*I need to know what Kind of tip the psu uses. . .the one it has has six different tips, some like headphone plugs, others like normal tips.

*Some of the capacitors (you know, the green ones that look like Chicklets?) seem to be leaking; how much of a problem will that be?

*There is something wrong with the power switch. . . can I just short it out and use the psu to turn it on and off?

I'll post pics after I go to school (Saturday), and after I figure out this formatting whatnot.


Last seen: 7 years 11 months ago
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Posts: 455
I love the atari 2600. I hav

I love the atari 2600. I have a few of them (not for sale though) and about 150-175 games or so. Nothing really rare, just a bunch of fun games.

Last seen: 17 years 8 months ago
Joined: Dec 20 2003 - 10:38
Posts: 118
Cleaned the circuit board of

Cleaned the circuit board of the grease and gunk and removed the offending cap.

I still say there is something wrong with the power switch... but I've tried shorting it out, but that won't do anything.

ARRRGGG... any ideas?

Last seen: 19 years 2 weeks ago
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re: Atari HappyDance

It's the most wonderful time of the year. And, after the social event of the summer, school will soon be back in session.

And for that, I got an Atari 2600, paddles, joysticks, and about 45 games in a local rummage sale. However, it doesn't want to work. Here is what I've figured out:

Wait a minute... Am I missing something here? The social event of the summer revolves around the Atari 2600? What town (country?) do you live in, Mayor_Shinn?

I'd be in hog-heaven if this town's social events revolved around things like Atari's. Wink Unfortunately, social events in this town seem to revolve around things like drinking booze, acting stupid, and plotting a revolution. Blum 3

Last seen: 17 years 8 months ago
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Posts: 118
Re: re: Atari HappyDance

Wait a minute... Am I missing something here? The social event of the summer revolves around the Atari 2600? What town (country?) do you live in, Mayor_Shinn?

I wish the social event of the summer involved the Atari. It actually involves a bunch of hoolagins selling mint-involving paranalia for three days while infesting the only patch of mentally stable ground in the county.

Last seen: 17 years 8 months ago
Joined: Dec 20 2003 - 10:38
Posts: 118
I have come to the conclusion

I have come to the conclusion that there's something wrong with the power switch. After 25 years, it's kinda worn down. Tore it apart, and there is carbon on the much worn contacts.

Thing is, when the switch is tripped, it flicks the screen for a brief moment, as though a cap is discharging... and then nothing. Is it a problem with the switch? Or something more?

Last seen: 19 years 2 weeks ago
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It actually involves a bunch of hoolagins selling mint-involving paranalia for three days while infesting the only patch of mentally stable ground in the county.

Say what?

I have come to the conclusion that there's something wrong with the power switch. After 25 years, it's kinda worn down. Tore it apart, and there is carbon on the much worn contacts.

I would suggest removing the switch and replacing it with a switch that is known to be good. You mentioned in a previous post that you had shorted the switch contacts to no avail. It is very unlikely that your problem is the power switch.

You mentioned that there was a leaking capacitor on the board. Have you replaced that capacitor with a new capacitor? I would think that, given the age of the machine, you should probably get yourself a multimeter and start checking each component on the board. You may also want to check all traces on the board for failure. Traces do breakdown over time and quite frequently will even lift from the board and break.

You might want to try replacing the RF Modulator as well. You mentioned that the screen will briefly flicker when power is supplied, so I'd probably be looking to replace the modulator. Although, I am doubtful that the modulator is the source of your problem.

I'm guessing that you component failure on the board. Unfortunately, checking components is very tedious and time-consuming work, but well worth it, if you're serious about repairing this Atari.

visorboy333's picture
Last seen: 16 years 21 hours ago
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Posts: 35

I actually know the joy of obtaining an Atary for little to no cost. I have 2 2600s actually, one from my grandfather, and one i actually picked up off the curb, box and all. If you need a RF modulator, i can see if I have an extra one. What games did you get?

Last seen: 12 years 7 months ago
Joined: Jan 28 2005 - 17:56
Posts: 170
Re: Atari

... I have 2 2600s actually, one from my grandfather, and one i actually picked up off the curb, box and all. ...


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