my powerbook 800 keeps on just going into sleep mod. Like right when im working on something... It will flickers like a light switch..
Any one have any ideas as to what might be going on.
Or should i just back up and format this thing??
Any help would be great :? :? :?
Powerbook 800? There's a powerbook 800 now?
Are you shure you arn't talking about the powerbook 180 or something? Like this one: Sounds like a major typo to me. 
Or he means a TiBook 800mhz...
Ya i ment TI Book 800
I'm tempted to suggest sleep hot corners... does it happen when the mouse gets moved into a certain place?
nope nothing about hot corners it just shuts off its fucked up. I just started doing it. And its bugging the hell out of me
Apple Authorised Service Centre.
And please watch the language, wouldn't want to teach any bad words to the kiddies here.
no need for the language
... but could the battery possibly be loose ... that would explain it randomly shutting off ...
mine does the same. i hope apple fixes it for free.