Just checking...
"Mic check, one, two."
"One, two, mic check"
Just checking...
"Mic check, one, two."
"One, two, mic check"
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We are back indeed, but not completely. BDub is working feverishly to get AF restored from the backup; hopefully everything will be back to normal soon.
BDub really deserves a standing ovation for his hard work.
I like the "ban admin" option I have under my user name
Cheers, guys...I appreciate your work in bringing the site back up, and Bdub, whatever your personal emergency was, I hope it worked out okay.
Nice to have Applefritter back.
Edit: What's really noteworthy is that for the first time in months I did not have to use an anonymous proxy to access the site!!!
I now have my home again.
Oh, and the standing ovation...
when you find yourself in the company of a halfling and an ill-tempered dragon, remember, you do not have to outrun the dragon...
Check out my site :
It's Brilliant that Applefritter is back online.
great job everyone who helped get applefritter online again
Even a little is a lot.
Cheers and beers for BDub!
You cannot see the Light unless you understand the Darkness...
GIT/MC$ d- s: a C++++$ U*++++$ P+ L++ E--- W+++$ N o K w O- M++$ V-- PS PE+ Y+ PGP !t !5 X++ R+ tv+ b++ DI++++ D++ G e* h--- r+++ y+++
I must add my 2 cents worth here, has anybody tried giving up ciggies????
We'll that's how it has been for me. I don't do that many posts here, but I try to help when and if I can. I love reading the submissions and the replies from the regs.
Coius is right, "Our Cyberhouse" is nearly back in order, which brings me to the point 'You never fully realise how important a link in a chain is, until you discover it missing'.
Wonderful to have you all back, and thanks to you all concerned, who are working so hard to get us back up to "full steam".
...The uncreative mind can spot wrong answers, but it takes a creative mind to spot the wrong questions.....
Yes, we're almost back. A lot of the custom code we had running is having to be redone for the upgraded version of Drupal we're running, but with luck it'll be back up to spec within a day or two. Most of it is just remembering where we modified things.
The personal emergency required some travel which is the reason for the delay. Oddly enough, once I got to my parents place, my grandfathers health started improving. He's still bad, but we aren't too worried at the moment. Thanks.
Thanks for the patience and the loyalty guys. I was impressed by the number of users who had logged on before I even had the theme restored!
AF, like a phoenix, rising from the ashes. You doing all the work bdub?
So . . . errr, hacked eh? Can you elaborate? An OS hack? . . . a php exploit? IIRC, the AF server wasn't running Mac OS, did the platform figure into it at all?
dan k
they took an advantage of a flaw in drupal's code
the flaw was discovered 2 weeks before AF got hacked
they hadn't applied the update.
BDub thinks he got it all patched up
when you find yourself in the company of a halfling and an ill-tempered dragon, remember, you do not have to outrun the dragon...
Check out my site :
It was the php xmlrpc exploit. Drupal released a patch, and we didn't get it applied in time. All in all, rather embarrassing considering that spreadfirefox.org got taken down earlier that week from the same flaw.
AF was running slackware. We're now running a BSD install.
There was a possibility that the intruder may have installed a rootkit on our box, so we decided not to allow a potentially compromised machine online. It took a few days before we could actually get the OS re-installed, and a few more to patch up the site. We also got to opportunity to replace some hardware, since we needed see the server in person anyhow.
This rebuild has happend fast. This morning, it was all text, no images. now we got most of the images. Sweet.
I totally agree with you, design8. I didn't realize how much Applefritter had become a part of my daily life until it disappeared. I am "insanely" happy that Applefritter has made its triumphant return from its assault by the forces of evil.
You an Aleister Crowley fan, Dan K.?
A man that stands on principle, a principle built on truth, never falls, though the winds may blow.
The last two weeks without applefritter have been driving me nuts. It's actually been worse than when I quit smoking back in April. Granted, every day since I quit has been a challege. I've been fortunate in that quitting helped with my health issues. It's very good to have applefritter back, those days of checking the url and hoping to no avail are thankfully over.
- iantm
I have been hanging out in the IRC Chat rooms trying to soak in the AF Goodness as much as i can. Still not the same thing though...
I have been so bored, as business is running low right now, and i have a lot of spare time.
when you find yourself in the company of a halfling and an ill-tempered dragon, remember, you do not have to outrun the dragon...
Check out my site :
Count me in on congratulating BDub and the whole AF team for getting everything back up and running. Looks like the site's 95 percent back to normal now. Thanks!
Just out of interest is it me or has applefritter put in a edit button while the server is down.
It's quite handy because you can add extra content without creating a new post.
major bug:
warning: mysql_fetch_array(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /usr/local/www/data/modules/comment.module on line 707.
says that over and over before getting to the topic
actually, on this page before i clicked the reply button
EDIT: there we are. I encountered a huge error right after that. I must've been in the middle of a page update
Check out my site :
This is why I normally code on a test server. Unfortunately you guys get to see my SQL errors for the moment.
But sigs should be back to normal shortly because of that little error
i'm just giving you a hard time.
keep up the good work, you're doing great!
All credit definitely goes to BDub -- I just got back from vacation. BDub traveled from Vancouver, BC to Seattle, WA, installed the new hard drive, installed FreeBSD, and updated Drupal.
And its back up...
Good Job
Victoria. But close.
The digital forest guys are really cool by the way.
You live in BC, BDub?
I have a BC (604 area code) phone number, perhaps you could help me figure out who it belongs to...
I've already done some homework. It's a number under the control of Rogers (then Microcell) and it's a cellphone number. I'll be posting the number on my website very soon along with a bunch of others...
Share and share alike, I always say.
I'm in the 250 area code myself. 604 is Vancouver and some of the lower mainland if I recall correctly, while 250 is defined as 'the rest of BC'. Tracking down cell phone numbers is generally an exercise in futility. You might try a more phone oriented group, perhaps the Vancouver 2600.
Just out of interest... how much of my original crude hackery is still present? I'm going to go with "none at all" but I'd be interested to know
Just FYI, you should be able to grep for "parrot" in the source code, I left a little marker everywhere I did something.
Woo-hoo! No proxy too!
Thanks to BDub for the hard work! On a technicality, why FreeBSD over OpenBSD? It's almost a Linux distro debate war between themand Net at times, but Open is OOTB secured.
Yeah I bet most of my crude hacking has been removed/rewritten too
Anyway, BDub, well done... thanks for getting us back up and running so soon!
yes! finally, after staring on the "we'll be right back" sign the store is open again!
it was really a hard time visiting the page without getting any good news. i always loved to read the posts (even if i didn't have time to reply on some of them).
bdub, thanks a lot for bringing af back to the net! great job!!!
Just tried to post this as a new thread, but for reasons that will become obvious when you read the following, I'm also posting it as a reply in this thread:
I just posted a FS post in the For Sale Forum - in fact I did it twice. I did it twice because it doesn't show up on the forum homepage, or on the thread listing for the For Sale forum.
When I view the thread - I can get to it because it's listed under "Active Forum Topics" in the lower-left navigation area - it seems to be categorized as follows: "Home >> Forums".
This is different from posts that do show up in the For Sale forum listing. Clicking on one of them shows a path of: "Home >> Forums >> Marketplace >> For Sale".
Anyone know what that's about? (As you can tell from this post, I just tried to start a new thread about this in this AF Architects Forum, but again my new post/thread didn't show up in the thread list, so I've posted it here.)
FYI the direct path to my FS forum post is: http://www.applefritter.com/node/8476
Also FYI, I thought it might be a browser caching problem, but I reloaded, and I tried viewing the forums in another browser. Same result.
From what I can tell, the forum thread lists are not displaying any new thread created less than 2-1/2 days ago. That means that since about Monday night at 10:00PM (EDT), no new thread has show up in the forum thread lists.
All posts that are more recent than that are responses to already-established threads.
This seems like a rather serious problem, yes?
Or am I the only one experiencing this?
i have to go to my recent posts to got to anything that i posted on
Ye and God said to Abraham 'You will kill your son Isaac'.
And Abraham said 'I can't hear you, you will have to speak into the microphone'.
And God said "Oh I'm sorry is this better? Check check check. Jerry pull the high end out, I'm still getting some hiss back here."