Powerlogix and 10.4.2

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Last seen: 6 months 1 week ago
Joined: Dec 20 2003 - 10:38
Posts: 256
Powerlogix and 10.4.2

Well, I installed 10.4.2 on my B&W G3 this morning and everything went just well. I had to re-enable Quartz Extreme with PCI Extreme 3.1. Sadly though, CPU Director says that it isn't compatible with this version of Mac OS and has disabled itself. Luckily, the L2 cache seems to be functional, but the processor is at 800MHz for now.

Anyone else with B&Ws had problems with installing the latest OS update?

Hokusai's picture
Last seen: 6 months 1 week ago
Joined: Dec 20 2003 - 10:38
Posts: 256

I just had a very strange kernel, or what I believe to be. I was listening to some streaming music and surfing on the web when, all of a sudden, the music stops and it panics on me. Unlink other times, the kernel panic is displayed as as text on the screen, such as when you start up in verbose mode. It didn't even log it in the panic.log either. How strange.

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